Emma hosts Dr. Nicholas Kardaras to discuss his recent book Digital Madness: How Social Media Is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis-and How to Restore Our Sanity. Then, Emma is joined by Eugene Puryear, co-host of the Breakthrough News show, to discuss the recent civil and social unrest in Haiti. Emma first runs through updates on FED policies bringing a big win for […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts Ben Dixon of The Benjamin Dixon Show to round up the week in news. Then he is joined by Matthew Film Guy! First, Sam runs through updates on the DOJ’s appeal on Trump’s Special Master ruling, more investigations into the Save America PAC and Steve Bannon’s fraud charges, the DNC’s love for Dark Money, Gorsuch’s statement on […]
Emma hosts Oliver Bullough, author of the Coda Story newsletter, to discuss his recent book Butler to the World: How Britain Became The Servant of Tycoons, Tax Dodgers, Kleptocrats, and Criminals. Emma dives into the official tally of 400 police officers present at Uvalde’s Robb Elementary for the shooting, Rand Paul putting a stop to Biden’s anti-choice judicial nomination, and […]
Michael Brooks hosts today’s show and speaks with Ronan Burtenshaw (@ronanburtenshaw), editor of Tribune Magazine, about next week’s elections in the United Kingdom. Will Corbyn’s rise in the polls and revelations of Tories offer to sell off the NHS lead to Labour victories? Fred Hampton on the importance of revolutionary education. Fred Hampton: “We’re gonna […]
Labor makes big gains in the UK and Tories build a radical right coalition. Cliff Schecter explains the downfall of John McCain and his bizarre performance at the Comey hearings. Are the Republicans now the “treason” party. Donald Trump’s dangerous instability and why all Republicans cover for him. The Senate moves to destroy health care. […]
We provide live coverage of the Comey hearings. Senator Kamala Harris indicates that evidence may have been destroyed. Senator Cornyn wants to talk Clinton email scandal. Senator Richard Burr does not follow the Republican script on Trump and Russia. Comey says Russia absolutely intended to influence the election. Why James Comey needed to write down […]
Mark Blyth of the Watson Institute at Brown University explains why the Brexit is the chickens coming home to roost on austerity and inequality. How Brexit and Donald Trump show the failure of austerity, Right Wing politics and Neoliberalism. Why the public does not and should not distrust the elite. Why the Euro is awful […]
Cliff Schecter explains what motivated the murder of UK MP Jo cox and the enduring threat of Far Right terrorism. The Orlando massacre and the problem with how we label these crimes. The problems with preventing gun violence without real reform. Can we follow Australia’s lead in gun sanity. The marketing of weapons of mass […]
The Daily Beast’s London Editor, Nico Hines explains how in the 1980s the UK Government allowed for the growth of Pedophile rings in high level politics. How discrimination against Gay people led to the exploitation of young children by British politicians. When powerful politicians and Britain’s Intelligence services crushed press coverage of sexual abuse. How […]
The Nation’s John Nichols reporting from Scotland explains the intensity on the verge of the Scottish Referendum on independence, why what is driving the push for Scottish independence is the austerity agenda of the UK government, why the Scottish want to follow the scandinavian model, the case against independence, do smaller countries do better in […]