Chris Hayes

Happy Friday! Sam has a full slate to help recap the week’s top headlines, including, Chris Hayes, David Roth, and Matthew Film Guy! Chris Hayes returns to the Majority Report for his first appearance in three years to discuss the Senate impeachment trial, Alan Dershowitz’s absurd defense of executive power, and what lies ahead for […]
Deven Nunes out on the Intelligence Committee and replaced by someone who might be worse and more on Fox’s sexual harassment culture. Chris Hayes, host of the Chris Hayes Show and author of, A Colony in a Nation, explains Richard Nixon’s role in the creation of the modern law and order state. Colonialism and American revolution. Why […]
Public Sector Unions survive as the Friedrich case goes down. Susan Sarandon tells Chris Hayes that if Trump is elected the revolution might happen and Hillary’s campaign demands Bernie change his tone in order to debate. On The Fun Half: the country moves to the left under Democrats. Is President Obama a vampire? A new […]
Andrew Highsmith an assistant professor of history at UC Irvine and author of Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis, explains the origin of the phrase “demolition means progress”. Flint Michigan and GM’s history of racial segregation. African American politics and the limited nature of reform in Flint. Education and poverty. […]
Cliff Schecter is sad that Mitt Romney isn’t running for President. Why Mitt didn’t run. Why Mitt Romney is such a asshole. Jonathan Chait’s whiney “PC Police” article for New York Magazine. “New Republic: Democrats and why we needed the blogosphere. Having platforms and absorbing attacks. Twitter and democratic discourse. President Obama pushes for an […]
The Nation Institutes, Dani McClain reacts to the shocking decision of the New York City Grand Jury decision not to indict the killer of Eric Garner. Why the most important variable is what comes next for the movement against police violence against black youth. Is there an opportunity for a revolutionary moment now? W.E.B. Dubois […]
Chris Hayes explains “Girl  Talk Gate”, the fight against the climate crisis and the struggle for abolitionism, the economics of slavery, the economics of slavery, the reliance on fossil fuels and how it blocks economic innovation, the resource curse and wealth concentration, innovation and the legacy of slavery, how slavery flowed through American society, the […]
The Nation’s John Nichols reporting from Scotland explains the intensity on the verge of the Scottish Referendum on independence, why what is driving the push for Scottish independence is the austerity agenda of the UK government, why the Scottish want to follow the scandinavian model, the case against independence, do smaller countries do better in […]
Jacobin online editor, and author of the new book Strike for America: Chicago Teachers Against Austerity Micah Uetricht explains what led the Chicago teachers to strike in 2012, why the strike was not about pay, why the teachers won the strike, the conflicts within the Chicago Teachers Union that led to the 2012 strike, the insurgent progressives […]
Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains the fallout from the government shutdown, why progressive priorities are still not at the forefront, why the austerity fetish still reigns, why we are still losing jobs because of austerity, the agenda to cut Social Security and Medicare, how Harry Reid sidelined Biden in the shutdown negotiations and that’s a […]