matthew film guy

It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma chat with Ryan Grim, DC Bureau Chief at The Intercept, to round up the week in news. Then, they’re joined by Matthew Film Guy! First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Donald Trump’s myriad upcoming legal cases, more labor action in film and theatre, UPS pilots standing with UPS […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. Then, he is joined by Matthew Film Guy! First, Sam runs through updates on the debt ceiling debate, CNN’s response to backlash from their Trump Town Hall, the “end” of the COVID emergency and Title 42, Joe Manchin taking on […]
Sam hosts Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) of the Benjamin Dixon Show to discuss the week’s biggest stories including continued racial justice unrest across America, Biden enters campaign mode, and Trump’s efforts to stoke racial tensions. Then Matthew Film Guy (@langdonboom) joins the program to share his Labor Day Weekend film recommendations. On today’s show: After returning from […]
Happy Friday! Sam has a full slate to help recap the week’s top headlines, including, Chris Hayes, David Roth, and Matthew Film Guy! Chris Hayes returns to the Majority Report for his first appearance in three years to discuss the Senate impeachment trial, Alan Dershowitz’s absurd defense of executive power, and what lies ahead for […]
Brandon Sutton (@PrettyBadLefty) and Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) join us. On today’s show: Fox Business reporter explains his scoop about Obama wanting to speak out against Bernie. Medicaid block grants under Trump outsource cuts to states. The significance of Obama-to-nobody voters and the prevalence of POC in that demo. The role of race and gender rhetoric, […]
Digby (Heather Parton) (@digby56) and Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) join us on the last show of the decade. On today’s show: Amy Klobuchar and Buttigieg spar over experience and winning statewide races. Heather ‘Digby’ Parton (@digby56) joins us to wrap up the decade in politics. Occupy Wall Street and the rise of the left. The rise of […]