Isabel Gillies

Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), Judy Gold (@JewdyGold), Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) and Isabel Gillies (@isabelgillies) join us for the final Casual Friday of 2018! On today’s show: GoFundMe wall man says the wall is in our constitution. Benjamin P. Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), of Progressive Army and The North Star, joins us to discuss the latest news from Washington: Mattis […]
Casual Friday today, featuring Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) and Isabel Gillies (@IsabelGillies). Trumpkins are burning MAGA hats over possible DACA deal. With Cliff, we discuss Chuck Schumer and Trump’s new bromance and the wisdom of Bernie’s Medicare-for-All push. The with Isabel, why Isabel feels like she’s grown up since the last time she was on and […]
Labor makes big gains in the UK and Tories build a radical right coalition. Cliff Schecter explains the downfall of John McCain and his bizarre performance at the Comey hearings. Are the Republicans now the “treason” party. Donald Trump’s dangerous instability and why all Republicans cover for him. The Senate moves to destroy health care. […]
Trump can’t get the votes together to pass the House’s horrible healthcare bill yet. The importance of the Russia story in driving down TRump’s numbers. Digby, explains what the smart Republican move on healthcare would have been. The monstrosity of the Republican bill and how Trump attacked Obamacare from the Left. Did Trump back the […]
Political strategist Cliff Schecter talks about Michael Flynn’e meeting with Austria’s Neo Nazi Party. The Russia connection and Donald Trump. Where is Hillary Clinton? President Obama’s failing leadership. The Dangers of Trump and the disaster Cabinet. Chuck Schumer’s flawed approach. The Republicans war against democracy. Why Democrats have no strategy. The value of the fight […]
Cliff Schecter explains how Trump is going full Alex Jones and full Fascist. Jared Kushner, Ivanka and the campaign’s anti semitism. The irony of Trump’s disgusting campaign. The Right’s fantasy life. Is Hillary’s surge going to start impacting down ballot races? Rob Portman’s political calculation in Ohio. Deb Fischer, rescinds her rescindment of her endorsement of Donald Trump. We […]
Cliff Schecter wants to know why the New York Times is obsessed with the Clintons. The new nothing story about the Clinton Foundation. Trump’s immense corruption and abuse. Hillary Clinton needs to stop trying to appeal to Republicans. Why Clinton is failing to connect Republicans to Donald Trump. Trump doubles down on bigotry. Why John […]
Cliff returns from vacation in Europe. His family Star Wars experience in the UK. The truck attack in Nice, France: how much of a jihadist was the attacker was? Trump’s Vice Presidential marathon extravaganza, and why choosing Mike Pence may force him into some uncomfortable policy conversations on trade and social issues. Isabel Gillies then […]
Cliff Schecter explains the incredible importance and accomplishment of the Obama Administration’s new overtime rules. The stupid arguments Republicans will use to fight back against Obama’s new rules. The transformation of peoples lives because of new overtime. Bernie Sanders should stay in the race and the future of progressive governance. And also why Donald Trump […]
Cliff Schecter and Sam explains why Trump is right to be angry at Fox. Why Fox is not a media organization and how they played the same game in media that Trump has in politics. Jeb Bush cannot shake Donald Trump and is bizarre again. Jeb Bush is so sad. Ted Cruz has a terrible […]