Mike Pence

It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at Salon.com and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo to round up the week in news. Then Sam is joined by Jason Myles, co-host of the This Is Revolution podcast. First, Sam covers the confirmation that Ginni Thomas was conspiring with John Eastman, Trump’s Coup Lawyer, and Assange’s extradition being approved. Digby and Sam then get right into […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at Salon and proprietor of the Hullaballoo blog. Digby, Sam, and Emma jump right into recent news surrounding the January 6th committee, as the infrastructure and reconciliation fights fade into the background. They begin with former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows ignoring his subpoena for criminal contempt of congress, before getting […]
Join Sam as he recaps last night’s debate, the DOJ’s changes in policy on voting-related crimes, and Trump’s first on air interview since contracting coronavirus. Matt Binder and the MR crew host the fun half. On today’s show: Close-up of full Pence fly on head moment. Trump message from WH on his recovery and Regeneron “cure.” Mark […]
News with MR crew and Dr. Rob Davidson (@DrRobDavidson) joins us to discuss Medicare. On today’s show: Steve Kornacki explains the convoluted Iowa caucus delegate count. Dr. Rob Davidson (@DrRobDavidson), ER doctor and Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Medicare, joins us. Davidson discusses his confrontation with Mike Pence over “block grants,” a GOP strategy […]
Happy Tuesday, Sam hosts journalist and academic Anne Nelson to discuss her new book, Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right. Sam and Nelson begin their interview with a play-by-play of how fundamentalist Evangelical Christians rallied behind Ronald Reagan during his the 1980 election and helped fuel his victory with a […]
Michael D’Antonio joins the program to discuss his latest book, The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence.  Mike Pence has had his sights sent on the presidency since beginning his career in politics. D’Antonio  believes Mike Pence is the most powerful “Christian supremacist” in American history. Pence grew up in a typical New Deal Irish […]
Good morning everyone, on today’s show, Jay Cassano, (@jcassano ) joins us today to talk about the apparent corruption regarding separately Harvey Weinstein and Ivanka Trump and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance. On the fun half – Don Jr. calls in, what is being revealed to society about sexual harassment by powerful people, Mike Pence plots […]
Journalist Dan Froomkin explains the bizarre way that Trump fired Comey. The legitimate reasons for firing Comey. What Sally Yates revealed that probably led to the firing of James Comey. The FBI investigation into Russia and Trump is heating up. How the Republicans have become Trumps lacks. Will Republicans ever not back Trump. Would Republicans […]
Mike Pence spins and lies about Mike Flynn’s son’s role in the transition team. The maneuver the Democrats could use to seat Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Lawrence Lessig says Hillary Clinton could have the right to be President because of Bush V Gore. The Brooks Brothers riot. The Far Right wing hack smearing Keith […]
Janeane Garofalo, talks about her rage at the Trump gangster Administration. Republican dirty tricks and the FBI. The delusions of the dumb-dumb left. Donald Trump’s helpmate. The Walking Dead and Trump voters. David Gergen calls out Trump for not strongly condemning Neo-Nazis. The Trump White House is built around Islamophobia. Megyn Kelly calls out reporters for feeding […]