Hillary Clinton

Happy Friday! On today’s show, Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), host of the Benjamin Dixon Show. Sam and Ben begin their conversation considering the conclusion of the “Clinton Investigation,” which will end in the coming weeks “with no criminal charges or other known impacts,” according to the Washington Post. Switching gears to material and present issues, Dixon and Sam […]
The GOP continues their death spiral promotion as every Dem senator who wants to be president in 2020 signs on to Bernie’s single-payer bill. How the democrats are attempting to set both poles of the healthcare debate. On the fun half: Hillary is being destructive, a cop gets yelled at by a brave guy with […]
On today’s show Christy Thornton (@llchristyll), Fellow in Global History at Harvard University, joins us to discuss Mexico, neoliberalism and the drug war. What the disappearance of 43 teaching students and subsequent lying about the disappearances by the Mexican government has to do with Mexican politics and President Pena Nieto. What is the political spectrum […]
Who to shame in the Trump Administration and why. New York Magazine’s Eric Levitz, explains why the center does not exist. Why voters are not rational. Why human beings are social and tribal and how that effects voting behavior. Why many Americans support extreme Left and Right views. Why there are no “moderate” or “centrist” […]
Cliff Schecter joins us on the verge of the apocalypse. Sebastian Gorka and other idiots in the Administration are pushing for a military option in  North Korea. Gorka undermines Rex Tillerson. The timing of the threats against North Korea and the raid on Paul Manefort’s house. Stuart Varney whines about Democrats criticizing Trump. The American […]
Journalist Dan Froomkin explains the bizarre way that Trump fired Comey. The legitimate reasons for firing Comey. What Sally Yates revealed that probably led to the firing of James Comey. The FBI investigation into Russia and Trump is heating up. How the Republicans have become Trumps lacks. Will Republicans ever not back Trump. Would Republicans […]
Author Thomas Frank reflects on the end of the Bill O’Reilly era. The development of O’Reilly’s persona. The renewed Sanders and Clinton battle. The bizarre anti Sanders bias of some of the Democratic elite. The Democratic elites failed belief in big data. Why Elizabeth Warren needs to run for President. The cult of the curator. […]
Journalist Guy Lawson explains why we are moving into another level of post-truth politics. How to think about the Donald Trump disaster. Why the Trump’s conflicts of interest are a distraction from the decline of American Empire. The anger of Trump supporters. How can journalists cover Trump? When I dictator says something believe them. George […]
Journalist David Dayen, explains the history of the Exxon climate crisis coverup. The Exxon knew campaign. Trump’s Oil and Gas Cabinet. The gutted FCC. Will Democrats raise the climate crisis during Tillerson’s hearings? Wells Fargo stunning scams. Wells Fargo’s cheap life insurance game and what Ta Nehisi Coates misses about Obama’s legacy. On The Fun […]
How Republicans will dismantle healthcare. Journalist Branko Marcetic, explains the creation of a mass National Security State under the Obama Administration. Killing American citizens without due process. Eric Holder’s letter to Rand Paul and can an American Citizen be killed on American soil? The wars Trump inherits across the globe. Obama’s failed record on secrecy […]