Donald Trump impeachment

Sam hosts Ben Dixon of the Benjamin Dixon Show (@BenjaminPDixon) to discuss a historic week where Georgia run-off brought Democrats control of the legislature and MAGA diehards stormed the US capitol, the first breach since 1814. On today’s show: Trump addresses nation (via Twitter) day after protests, concedes election. Ben Dixon of the Benjamin Dixon Show […]
Happy Friday! On today’s show, Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), host of the Benjamin Dixon Show. Sam and Ben begin their conversation considering the conclusion of the “Clinton Investigation,” which will end in the coming weeks “with no criminal charges or other known impacts,” according to the Washington Post. Switching gears to material and present issues, Dixon and Sam […]
On today’s show: Guest on Lou Dobbs compares Trump’s pissy letter to Pelosi to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Flashback 2014: Trump says impeachment would destroy America. Doug Collins melts down in House rules hearing on impeachment. Kevin McCarthy says a future legislature will expunge this impeachment of Trump. Debbie Lesko says Democrats are “tearing families apart” […]
Sam hosts congressional candidate for CA-25 Cenk Uygur and Andy Kindler to break down an absolutely psychotic news week. On today’s show: House judiciary committee votes on articles of impeachment. Cenk Uygur (@CenkUygur) joins us to discuss his Congressional run for Katie Hill’s former seat in California’s 25th district: Why he’s running, the issues at […]
The MR crew brings you the latest news on impeachment and more. On today’s show: Trump says Jewish business people need to support him because of the wealth tax. Steve Castor arrives not with a briefcase, but a Whole Foods bag. Steve Castor opening statement: This is baloney! Owen Troyer from Infowars interrupts hearing. Mayor […]
Brandon Sutton a.k.a. Chad Vigorous (@PrettyBadLefty), host of The Discourse, and David Feldman (@David_Feldman_), host of The David Feldman Show, join us for Casual Friday. On today’s show: Doug Collins says it’s unfair to question how Trump framed his diplomacy with Zelensky. Pelosi announces plans for house judiciary to draft articles of impeachment. Sam’s case for […]
On today’s show, the MR team reviews impeachment and news. World leaders laugh at Trump’s behavior in leaked video. Trump says Trudeau is two-faced. Noah Feldman explains history of impeachment, framers understanding. Noah Feldman on evidence presented and why Trump’s actions constitute “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Pamela Kaplan calls Collins on reviewing facts, says Trump’s […]
On today’s show, The New Republic‘s Alex Pareene joins us to discuss this week’s impeachment hearings, the late entries into the 2020 Democratic primary, and his latest writings on both impeachment and the Democratic field in the New Republic. After exploring Chris Matthews’ #fartgate scandal, Sam and Pareene dive into why Deval Patrick is entering the Democratic […]
The Majority Report continues its live coverage of the House impeachment hearings of Donald Trump today at 6 PM EST with Laura Cooper, a deputy assistant Defense secretary, and David Hale, a State Department under secretary for political affairs. Become a member of the Majority Report today! And subscribe to the AM Quickie here. Make the […]
The Majority Report continues its live coverage of the House impeachment hearings of Donald Trump today at 9 AM EST with testimony from Gordon Sondland the US Ambassador to the EU. Become a member of the Majority Report today! And subscribe to the AM Quickie here. Make the AMQ part of your Alexa Flash Briefing too! […]