The Young Turks

Sam hosts congressional candidate for CA-25 Cenk Uygur and Andy Kindler to break down an absolutely psychotic news week. On today’s show: House judiciary committee votes on articles of impeachment. Cenk Uygur (@CenkUygur) joins us to discuss his Congressional run for Katie Hill’s former seat in California’s 25th district: Why he’s running, the issues at […]
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks talks about the resistance and what happens to the center-left in the Trump age. Opposition to Bush and Trump. Why Trump still popular with his supporters? Are Democrats fighting well?  Obama’s terrible record on the banks  and how to beat establishment Democrats. Javier Lopez, an attorney, with Kozyak Tropin […]
The Majority Report is taken over by Ken Ken & Ken. KKK gets to the bottom of why New Dork does not speak, defends Donald Trump and rates the Trump women. Michael Shure from TYT joins KKK and defends the libtard policies for Hillary and Obama. Why can’t the media be honest about Mr. Trump’s […]
The Young Turks and Turner Movie Classics host Ben Mankiewicz explains why the MSM always in covering Police brutality and poverty. Why cable news fails again and again. How we can cover Bernie Sanders and fight against media narratives that don’t take him seriously. The Clinton machine and why isn’t Jerry Brown running for President? […]