
On today’s show, The New Republic‘s Alex Pareene joins us to discuss this week’s impeachment hearings, the late entries into the 2020 Democratic primary, and his latest writings on both impeachment and the Democratic field in the New Republic. After exploring Chris Matthews’ #fartgate scandal, Sam and Pareene dive into why Deval Patrick is entering the Democratic […]
Good morning, on today’s Majority Report Michael Brooks hosts Matt Karp, professor of History at Princeton University, for his latest piece in the Jacobin, “Is This the Future Liberals Want?” Join as Karp and Brooks discuss the prospects of Trump in 2020 and the potential pitfalls of “progressive technocracy” defining the future of the Democratic party. […]
Lily Geismer a assistant professor of history at Claremont McKenna College and author of  Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party explains how the suburban makeover of the Democratic Party has moved the Party to the right. Where the title “don’t blame us”. George Mcgovern and the economic and social shifts in Democratic […]