
It’s News Day Tuesday! But first, Sam and Emma speak with writer and conflict analyst Hannah Rae Armstrong to discuss the developments in the conflict in Niger. First, Sam and Emma check in on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, doing some retail politics in Kentucky and getting mercilessly booed and heckled for his troubles. Then, they’re joined […]
Sam hosts Matthew Cole, investigative reporter at The Intercept, to discuss his recent book Code Over Country: The Tragedy and Corruption of SEAL Team Six. Then, Sam is joined by Jack Crosbie, writer for Rolling Stone and Discourse Blog, to discuss the recent developments in Ukraine.  Matthew Cole begins tracing by SEAL Team Six’s origins to the combat-swimmer units […]
Sam and Emma host journalist Jonathan M. Katz, author of The Racket newsletter, to discuss his recent book Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, The Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire, which explores the founding and expansion of US imperialism in the wake of manifest destiny, as the US military looked towards Latin America and the Pacific for […]
Sam and Emma host Elizabeth Samet, professor of English at West Point, to discuss her recent book Looking for the Good War: American Amnesia and the Violent Pursuit of Happiness, on the mythology behind the Americanized narrative of WWII, how it came to prevalence, and the role Tom Brokaw and Stephen Spielberg have to play. Professor Samet walks through […]
Jennifer Mittelstadt an Associate Professor of History at Rutgers University and author of The Rise of the Military Welfare State explains the social welfare state of the United States Military. The end of the draft and the free market makeover of the military. How the draft became politically impossible at the end of the Vietnam era. The […]
Monkey Cage Blog editor E.J. Graff and Sam break down how Transgender people have been discriminated against in the military and why the politics are shafting now. Transgender people and the LGBT movement and the politics of “fitting in”. What is “Gay INC.” and how it effected the LGBT movement. Fear, sexual identity and gender […]
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, explains why John F. Kennedy’s political legacy has been distorted by the right, his secret battle with the military industrial complex, his deep distrust of the intelligence community, how the military worked to undermine his foreign policy and JFK’s plans for a exiting Vietnam. And keep the conversation going on our morning […]