
It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with John Washington, staff writer at Arizona Luminaria and contributor for The Intercept, to discuss his recent book The Case For Open Borders. Then, she’s joined by Christoph N. Vogel, research director of the Insecure Livelihoods Project at Ghent University and author of the book Conflict Minerals, Inc.: […]
It’s News Day Tuesday! But first, Sam and Emma speak with writer and conflict analyst Hannah Rae Armstrong to discuss the developments in the conflict in Niger. First, Sam and Emma check in on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, doing some retail politics in Kentucky and getting mercilessly booed and heckled for his troubles. Then, they’re joined […]
Sam and Emma host Alex de Waal, Executive Director of The World Peace Foundation and Professor at Tufts University, to discuss the ongoing civil conflict in Ethiopia and how it is affecting the Tigrayan people. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the US funding bill, GOP killing cannabis reform, the final DOJ criminal referrals coming out of […]
Michael Brooks hosts journalist Milton Allimadi (@allimadi) to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted African nations and how pandemics have impacted the continent in the past. On today’s show: Stephen Moore says he told Trump he’ll lose re-election if he extends unemployment benefits. Michael Brooks hosts journalist Milton Allimadi (@allimadi) to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted African nations and […]
On today’s show, Michael speaks with Milton Allimadi, publisher of Black Star News, about just what the hell the United States is doing in Africa. (Spoiler alert: nothing too good!) From helping France fight Al Qaeda in Mali (which just happens to have a lot of uranium and oil) to supporting  problematic neoliberal president Yoweri […]
Democrats raise big money for a Congressional election in Georgia. Donald Trump gives advice to school children. The Republicans deregulate everything. Our country is about to be much sicker, polluted and corrupt. ICE terrorizes the undocumented and Steve Bannon’s racist inspiration. On The Fun Half: James Comey demands that the DOJ clarify that Obama did […]
Mark Leon Goldberg of UN Dispatch explains the success of the global fight against malaria. Is the international community shifting to a broader fight against poverty? The forthcoming UN sustainability goals. Why the international community is recognizing the connection between ecological and economic needs. The timelines for achieving global goals on poverty. Did the United […]
Milton Allimadi, the publisher of Black Star News joins Michael to discuss Obama’s recent trip to Ghana and Ethiopia. How is Obama energizing African youth and fostering leadership and activism and what that can do for Africa. Why is Africa failing to utilize it’s vast arrays of natural resources and how can it detach itself […]