
No President Obama did not set the stage for the Muslim Ban and we debunk nonsense spin and lies. Sean Spicer says we aren’t doing anything “Extreme”, we remember when Trump called his policy “extreme” twice. Sally Yates gets fired for not defending the ban as acting Attorney General. The unique danger of Jeff Sessions. […]
Harvard historian Sven Beckert, author of Empire of Cotton: A Global History, tells us why cotton helps us understand capitalism. How Europe was able to dominate the global cotton trade. The difference between “mercantile” capitalism and “war” capitalism. Slavery and the growth of global cotton. How Southern slavery is a part of national and global history. […]
Mark Leon Goldberg of UN Dispatch explains the success of the global fight against malaria. Is the international community shifting to a broader fight against poverty? The forthcoming UN sustainability goals. Why the international community is recognizing the connection between ecological and economic needs. The timelines for achieving global goals on poverty. Did the United […]
David Neiwert author of the new book And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American, explains the roots of the border militia movement, how NAFTA hurt low income workers and spread a job crisis across the Mexico/US border, how the Minutemen made our border policies crazy, why the Minutemen movement drew in psychopaths and […]