
On today’s show: The Majority Report presents another retrospective on Michael Brooks’s career, featuring his 2016 interview with Marya Hannun and Sophie Spaan to discuss their article “When Europe Loved Islam” and the religion’s role in western history. Trump disavows Steve Bannon following his arrest for fraud, says he “didn’t like” the “We Build the Wall” […]
Juan Cole  (@jricole), Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan and author of Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires, joins us. On today’s show: Trump takes motorcade less than .1 miles from White House to Bush family service. Juan Cole  (@jricole), Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at […]
We mock Gorka. Trump is laughed at for claiming to drain the swamp. Trump demonizes immigrants. Van Jones major fail on CNN. The Democratic response is a major misfire. Why buying insurance across state lines won’t help and why “access” to healthcare means nothing. On The Fun Half: Gorka on whether Trump considers Islam a […]
Cliff Schecter, reflects on the passing of Bob Michael a moderate Republican leader. Trump’s popularity with Republicans and the insanity of Republican politics. Republican leaders have responsibility for creating Trump. Trump and Planet of the Apes. Trump thinks all black people know each other. Trump freaks out on a Jewish reporter. Trump is wrong about […]
The lack of objective in US “jihadi” terror shootings. The instrumentalism of religion by ISIS leaders, and why it’s a mistake to assume they are truly pious. How Donald Trump is playing a role that helps ISIL. Why Bill O’Reilly is wrong about how defeating ISIS works and saying they’re the “same thing” as the […]
Steven A. Cook is on to discuss the Saudi perspective on current turmoil in the region as a “status-quo” power(5:50). Why the Saudis see the Iranians as meddling. The power and hypocrisy of the House of Saud and its support of radical ideologies(9:33). Why the House of Saud and Wahabi radicals are reliant on each […]
Journalist Guy Lawson explains his personal connections to Canadian politics. The Trudeau family history and how Justin Trudeau was able to become the Prime Minister of Canada. Why the left wing NDP lost ground in Canada’s elections by embracing austerity. Why Justin Trudeau leveraged a charity boxing match into becoming Prime Minister. Is Canada relevant […]
Harvard historian Sven Beckert, author of Empire of Cotton: A Global History, tells us why cotton helps us understand capitalism. How Europe was able to dominate the global cotton trade. The difference between “mercantile” capitalism and “war” capitalism. Slavery and the growth of global cotton. How Southern slavery is a part of national and global history. […]
What are the different types of Islamist politics. Saudi and Iranian politics. The distinctions between Sunni and Shia Islamic movements and the flaws in Western foreign policy. On The Fun Half: Sam Harris responds to the Paris attacks and we respond to him, Louie Gohmert says that the ISIS leader has a PHD in Islam […]
Mark Leon Goldberg of UN Dispatch explains the success of the global fight against malaria. Is the international community shifting to a broader fight against poverty? The forthcoming UN sustainability goals. Why the international community is recognizing the connection between ecological and economic needs. The timelines for achieving global goals on poverty. Did the United […]