Writer and television producer Natalie Shure joins Michael Brooks on today’s Majority Report to discuss her latest piece in the Jacobin, “Elizabeth Warren’s Health Care Plan Still Leaves a Lot of Unanswered Questions.” Michael and Natalie begin their conversation considering the ways politicians have described Medicare for All as anything but a single-payer system that is free at […]
Elisabeth Rosenthal (@RosenthalHealth), author of An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How We Can Take It Back, joins us. On today’s show: Bernie Sanders says “get rid of the insurance companies,” won’t support anything but Medicare-for-all. Elisabeth Rosenthal, editor-in-chief of Kaiser Health News, joins us to discuss her book, An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became […]
The Republicans continue to pursue destroying health care. The Republican timeline of attempting to destroy health care. How Republicans ran to the left of Obamacare. The side deals Republicans will cut in the Senate. The next phase of Republican plans to destroy the social safety net. How Obama undermined Obamacare. Mitch McConnell is angry at […]
Julie Ott, a Professor of Capitalist Studies at the New School, explains capital gains tax cuts and the push for inequality. Why the tax code favors investors over workers. The ACA and capital gains. The racial inequality built into lower capital gains rates. Capital gains cuts and racism and the southern roots of the policy. […]
Mike Flynn lobbied for Turkey and maybe also a Russian agent. The Republicans radical far right agenda. Cliff Schecter explains the Republicans demented healthcare plan. The Republicans who oppose the Medicaid cuts. The radicalization of the Republican Party. Why the Republicans attacked the ACA from the Left and want to destroy from the right. Paul […]
Sean Spicer makes another deranged case for smaller government. Journalist Nelson Denis, explains the one hundred year anniversary of Puerto Ricans getting citizenship in the United States. America’s second class citizenship for Puerto Ricans. The colonial treatment of Puerto Rico in America. Puerto Rico and the Cold War. The Jones Act and imposed austerity on […]
No President Obama did not set the stage for the Muslim Ban and we debunk nonsense spin and lies. Sean Spicer says we aren’t doing anything “Extreme”, we remember when Trump called his policy “extreme” twice. Sally Yates gets fired for not defending the ban as acting Attorney General. The unique danger of Jeff Sessions. […]
Mike Pence spins and lies about Mike Flynn’s son’s role in the transition team. The maneuver the Democrats could use to seat Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Lawrence Lessig says Hillary Clinton could have the right to be President because of Bush V Gore. The Brooks Brothers riot. The Far Right wing hack smearing Keith […]
On today’s program we have two archive programs explaining different aspects of Health Care reform.  ProfessorAmanda Frost from American University explains the implications of the Supreme Court holding up the individual mandate. Also John McDonough a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, explained in 2014 the challenges Vermont faced in implementing Single Payers. […]