
9/18 David Neiwert: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border

September 18, 2013

David Neiwert author of the new book And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the Americanexplains the roots of the border militia movement, how NAFTA hurt low income workers and spread a job crisis across the Mexico/US border, how the Minutemen made our border policies crazy, why the Minutemen movement drew in psychopaths and the home invasion and murder of a Mexican father and daughter by a team of Minutemen led by right-wing leader Shawna Forde.

On The Better Half: NYC’s gala scene scared of the new Mayor, new disclosures on the Navy Yard shooters gun purchases, the flooding crisis in Colorado poses an environmental threat, new census figures on American poverty, “terrorism expert”/ sports reporter explains why the “far left works with radical Muslims”, Random Rush and your IMs and phone calls.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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