
*REST IN POWER MICHAEL JAMAL BROOKS* Check out Sam’s reading of Michael’s book “Against The Web” here: It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks to Melissa Villa-Nicholas, associate professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Rhode Island, to discuss her recent book Data Borders: How Silicon Valley Is […]
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She talks to Kerry Howley, feature writer at New York Magazine, to discuss her recent book Bottoms Up and the Devil Laughs: A Journey Through The Deep State. Then, she is joined by Edwin Ackerman, assistant professor of sociology at Syracuse University, to discuss his recent piece on Mexican politics in the New Left Review […]
Emma hosts Ruth Conniff, editor-in-chief of the Wisconsin Examiner, to discuss her recent book Milked: How an American Crisis Brought Together Midwestern Dairy Farmers and Mexican Workers. Emma also runs through recent news on Palin’s loss in Alaska’s special election (to Alaska’s first Native representative!), Mississippi legislators failing Jackson as it continues to go without running water, Israel’s crackdowns […]
Sam and Emma host Benjamin T. Smith, professor of Latin American history at the University of Warwick, to discuss his recent book The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade. They begin by addressing the myth of the Mexican drug trade, built by both US and Mexican authorities around this moral binary of cops and federal […]
Michael Brooks hosts Kurt Hackbarth (@KurtHackbarth) of Jacobin to discuss his latest piece, “Never Let a Pandemic Go to Waste,” on how Mexican elites have used the pandemic to thwart President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s (AMLO’s) efforts to govern as an economic populist. On today’s show: Brian Williams segment on Trump’s nervous breakdown gives Trump a […]
On today’s show Christy Thornton (@llchristyll), Fellow in Global History at Harvard University, joins us to discuss Mexico, neoliberalism and the drug war. What the disappearance of 43 teaching students and subsequent lying about the disappearances by the Mexican government has to do with Mexican politics and President Pena Nieto. What is the political spectrum […]
Jeff Sessions stunning attack on the Federal Judiciary and reveals his racism yet again. America’s chief lawyer had neo-confederate politics. Are we about to have another government shutdown over the border wall with Mexico? Why Trump is being treated like a lame duck. Why Republicans might be in serious trouble. The return of the Democratic […]
Research analyst and journalist Mike LaSusa explains Rudy Giuliani’s history of using “Broken Windows” and “Zero Tolerance” policies in New York City. The stunning level of brutality the NYPD used in enforcing these policies. Rudy Guiliani’s consulting work in Mexico, Brazil and Trindad and Tobago. Class, race and violence in Latin America, what actually reduces […]
Authors Carmen Boullosa and Mike Wallace co -authors of the recent book A Narco History, explain the full and violent history of Mexico’s drug trade. Understanding the real history of the drug crisis and the problem with prohibition. How American drug usage and gun laws fuel cartel violence. How Mexico became a key point of drug […]
Journalist Johann Hari, explains the motivation for his new book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. Why were drugs banned to begin with and what really creates drug addiction. Harry J. Anslinger the most important person you never heard of. Anslinger’s racism and obsession with Billie Holiday. The racist roots […]