drug trade

Sam and Emma host Benjamin T. Smith, professor of Latin American history at the University of Warwick, to discuss his recent book The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade. They begin by addressing the myth of the Mexican drug trade, built by both US and Mexican authorities around this moral binary of cops and federal […]
aAward-winning investigative reporter Ben Westhoff joins us to discuss his book, ‘Fentanyl, Inc: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic.’ On today’s show: Flashback: Kavanaugh lying to Blumenthal about “Renata Alumnus” yearbook. Bethany Mandel defends Kavanaugh putting his penis in Debie Ramirez’s face. Roommate Avi Smolen says Mandel is not remembering correctly. […]