Sam and Emma host Benjamin T. Smith, professor of Latin American history at the University of Warwick, to discuss his recent book The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade. They begin by addressing the myth of the Mexican drug trade, built by both US and Mexican authorities around this moral binary of cops and federal […]
Sam and Emma host Patrick Radden Keefe, staff writer at the New Yorker and author of Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, on how the family behind Perdue Pharma and Oxycontin built their fortune on opioid addiction and pharmaceutical marketing. Beginning with the origin of the Sackler dynasty, Keefe walks us […]
The Washington Monthly’s, Haley Sweetland Edwards, explained the secretive group of doctors that controls Medicare costs, how the process is connected with price setting, the power of the medical device industry, how the American Medical Association benefits from the pricing structure and how to reform the system. On The Better Half: the NSA shares information […]
Journalist David Dayen, explained what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do, how the housing bubble brought us the financial crises, why Obama’s new housing policy is confused, the problem with the American obsession with home ownership and how we are creating another housing crises. More fallout from the NSA revelations, how NSA spying is being […]