White House

Sam looks back at the week’s most important stories with Alex Pareene (@pareene) of the New Republic and comedian Judy Gold (@JewdyGold), including the White House kneecapping the Postal Service, the Kamala Harris VP media narrative, and our rolling Covid crisis. On today’s show: Larry Kudlow, explaining why the Democratic relief demands are idealistic, says we […]
Happy Friday! On today’s show, Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), host of the Benjamin Dixon Show. Sam and Ben begin their conversation considering the conclusion of the “Clinton Investigation,” which will end in the coming weeks “with no criminal charges or other known impacts,” according to the Washington Post. Switching gears to material and present issues, Dixon and Sam […]
Republicans wanted a leader like Donald Trump who would sign anything and take the attention. Trump’s gag order across government agencies. Why the freeze on public information will cost jobs and threaten public health. Sean Spicer explains Trump’s insanity. Donald Trump wants an investigation into voter fraud. Sean Spicer is accidentally racist in response to […]
Leading progressive blogger and writer Digby, explains how the Obama White House finally learned the lesson that progressives have always know, that the modern Republican Party has zero interest in compromise. The importance of unlearning the lessons of the Clinton era. Former key Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer’s acknowledgment that the White House never regretted taking […]