Third Way

Happy Thursday, Michael Brooks hosts Paul Heideman to discuss his latest piece in the Jacobin, “The Third Way is the Past. Socialism is the Future,” which tracks neoliberalism’s failures, particularly its rejection of the left, and why Democratic Socialism is on the rise. Michael and Heideman begin their conversation tracing the history of Third Way politicians, keeping […]
Who to shame in the Trump Administration and why. New York Magazine’s Eric Levitz, explains why the center does not exist. Why voters are not rational. Why human beings are social and tribal and how that effects voting behavior. Why many Americans support extreme Left and Right views. Why there are no “moderate” or “centrist” […]
Cliff Schecter explains Nelson Mandela’s legacy, what Mandela meant on college and high school campuses in the 1980s, why the rights leading lights backed Apartheid South Africa, William F Buckley’s disgusting writing on Nelson Mandela, Mandela’s incredible capacity for forgiveness, the importance of sanctions and boycotts in ending Apartheid, President Obama speaks out on inequality, […]
Josh Orton Political and communications Director for Progressives United explain what the corporate backed front group Third Way that has been attack Senator Warren, how Senator Warren responded to Third Way’s attacks, the importance of holding Third Way and Democrats who support it accountable and why “New” Democrats are a relic of another era. On […]
Chris Savage the  Editor of Eclecta Blog explains the new federal ruling that could slash Detroit’s public pensions, Governor Rick Snyder’s radical austerity policies, who is Detroit’s Emergency Manager Kevin Orr? how the labor unions are working to protect pensions, how the big banks are brutally exploiting Detroit, selling off Detroit’s public assets, what caused Detroit’s […]
On today’s show journalist Christopher Petrella, explained the power of the private prison industry, why private prisons are working to be reclassified as real estate holding companies, who the biggest players in the private prison business are and how to hold the industry accountable. On The Better Half: How President Clinton inspired the release of […]