South Africa

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday, the first of 2024! She speaks with Dr. Sydney Calkin, senior lecturer in the School of Geography at Queen Mary University in London, to discuss her recent book Abortion Pills Go Global: Reproductive Freedom across Borders. Then, she speaks with Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois, […]
Emma hosts James Kilgore, Research Scholar at the Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois, to discuss his recent book Understanding E-Carceration: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration, on the technological advancements in the surveillance state at the hands of unregulated big tech, and the role the state and its neoliberal […]
On today’s show the South African freedom fighter and former Minister of Intelligence Ronnie Kasrils joins us to talk about the new film project London Recruits and the current state of South Africa. -Using activism to break the silence of the police state. How the activists were able to maintain their cover as tourists. Denny Schecter’s expression of humanity by helping […]
Milton Allimadi, the publisher of Black Star News, explains the importance of John Kerry’s visit to Somalia. The Cold War roots of the crisis in Somalia. How American policy led to the Al Shabaab terrorism crisis. Why Nigeria has elected a former dictator as President and when will the “second liberation” happen in South Africa. […]
Karen Piper the author of The Price of Thirst: Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaos explains why the United Nations didn’t recognize water as a basic human right until 2010 and why Corporations came to support the water resolution. The South African corporate driven water crisis and the public health crisis it led to. Private water […]
Matt & Michael hosted Pando Daily Senior Editor Mark Ames who explains the origins of the Silicon Valley wage suppression cartel, how George Lucas helped create the scheme, how Steve Jobs perfected, how Google, eBay and other top Silicon Valley firms conspire to engineers wages, the internal emails that show the attitudes of Valley CEOs, […]
Cliff Schecter explains Nelson Mandela’s legacy, what Mandela meant on college and high school campuses in the 1980s, why the rights leading lights backed Apartheid South Africa, William F Buckley’s disgusting writing on Nelson Mandela, Mandela’s incredible capacity for forgiveness, the importance of sanctions and boycotts in ending Apartheid, President Obama speaks out on inequality, […]