Social Justice

Emma hosts, Beatrice Adler-Bolton, co-host of the Death Panel podcast, to discuss her recent book Health Communism, co-authored with Artie Vierkant. First, Emma runs through updates on the US defense budget, the freight rail contract vote heading to the Senate, DC announcing a shift to free bus transport, South Africa facing its first presidential impeachment, and […]
Emma hosts Dan Canon, civil rights lawyer and professor at the University of Louisville, to discuss his recent book Pleading Out: How Plea Bargaining Creates a Permanent Criminal Class. Emma begins by running through the arrest of an Iranian citizen for planning an extrajudicial assassination attempt against John Bolton, extrajudicial assassination expert, and Rudy Giuliani assures the public that […]
Emma hosts Elizabeth Popp Berman, associate professor of organizational studies at the University of Michigan, to discuss her recent book Thinking Like An Economist: How Efficiency Replaced Equality In U.S. Public Policy, on how the era of neoliberalism saw a new mode of reasoning in Washington, and the lasting effects it has today. First, Emma and Professor Berman […]
Emma hosts Deva Woodly, Associate Professor of Politics at the New School for Social Research, to discuss her recent book Reckoning: Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Necessity of Social Movements, on the growing importance of Radical Black feminist pragmatism in an age where politics are seen exclusively as brokering deals with the powerful, and never about […]
Emma hosts James Kilgore, Research Scholar at the Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois, to discuss his recent book Understanding E-Carceration: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration, on the technological advancements in the surveillance state at the hands of unregulated big tech, and the role the state and its neoliberal […]
Sam and Emma host Kellie Carter Jackson, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, to discuss her recent book Force and Freedom: Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence, using the influence of Black leaders to explore the growth of the abolitionist movement from moral suasion to an understanding that intrinsic rights cannot be granted. Professor […]
Good Thursday morning, Michael Brooks hosts anthropologist Isabel Peñaranda and sociologist Julián Gómez-Delgado to discuss the ongoing general strike in Columbia and their piece in the Jacobin, “Colombia’s New Awakening.” As Columbia joins the global wave of social unrest, can the popular uprising resist conservative president Ivan Duque’s efforts to co-opt the movement and deliver […]
Happy Martin Luther Jr! Day. Today’s show is a compilation of clips including excerpts from “The Frank McGee Sunday Report: Martin Luther King Profile,” NBC News, May 7, 1967, followed by a brief excerpt from a speech at Cleveland, Ohio, on April 28, 1967. Then extended excerpts of a sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church […]