
Emma speaks with Trevor Aaronson, contributing writer at The Intercept, to discuss his recent podcast Alphabet Boys. Then, she’s joined by freelance journalist Zachary A. Siegel, to discuss his recent coverage in Bolts Magazine of the Chicago mayoral race. First, Emma runs through updates on decreasing unemployment filings, Trump’s visit to East Palestine – beating out both Biden and Buttigieg – Norfolk […]
Sam hosts Howard Bryant (@hbryant42), ESPN writer and author of Full Dissidence: Notes from an Uneven Playing Field, and the New Republic’s Alex Pareene (@pareene) to discuss the week’s top stories and the on-going protests and unrest in Minneapolis. On today’s show: Hennepin County DA says there’s evidence that prevents DA from charging cops. Howard Bryant (@hbryant42), […]
Michael Brooks hosts Professor Daniel Bessner (@dbessner) to discuss what’s happening in Minnesota as protestors square off with authorities in the wake of George Floyd’s killing. Also: the growing gig economy in academia. On today’s show: Side by side comparison of George Floyd protests & Michigan stay-at-home protest. Woman throws tear gas canister back at the […]
Good Thursday morning, Michael Brooks hosts anthropologist Isabel Peñaranda and sociologist Julián Gómez-Delgado to discuss the ongoing general strike in Columbia and their piece in the Jacobin, “Colombia’s New Awakening.” As Columbia joins the global wave of social unrest, can the popular uprising resist conservative president Ivan Duque’s efforts to co-opt the movement and deliver […]
Organizer and movement historian LA Kauffman (@LAKauffman) joins us to discuss her new book, How to Read a Protest: The Art of Organizing and Resistance. On today’s show: Trump says he will end birthright citizenship in interview with Axios. Organizer and movement historian LA Kauffman (@LAKauffman) joins us to discuss her new book, How to Read a Protest: The […]
Micah White the author of  The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution, explains his role in co-creating the Occupy movement. How the Occupy movement evolved and devolved. The problems that Occupy had. Generating authority in movements. Innovating new tactics and dealing with counter tactics. Getting more sophisticated about how social change happens. How do […]
On today’s show Sam spoke with Tina Dupuy, Editor of The and Michael Tracey a contributing writer for Salon, both live from the RNC. Sam and his guests discussed the heavy law enforcement
Welcome to Wednesday – Hump Day! On today’s show, Sam talks to Doug Henwood (@DougHenwood), the editor of Left Business Observer,  on the socially useless Wall Street class. Also, an update on the violence at Occupy Oakland and a first hand account of a women arrested in the protests. Don’t forget! The Podcast Awards voting […]