
It’s Sam’s triumphant return to the show! He and Emma host Sandy Jacoby, Research Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, to discuss his recent book Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank, on the contradictions ingrained in the relationship between organizing and shareholders. Professor Jacoby begins by situating the […]
Sam hosts James W. Russell, public policy affiliate scholar at Portland State University, to discuss his recent book The Labor Guide to Retirement Plans: For Union Organizers and Employees, on the importance of fighting for good end-of-life security and how employers and banks have capitalized off of the switch from pensions to 401ks. Russell and Sam begin by […]
Journalist David Sirota explains the pay to play pension schemes orchestrated by the Chris Christie Administration in New Jersey, why New Jersey taxpayers have paid a billion dollars in fees to Wall Street, how Chris Christie is rewarding campaign contributions from Wall Street, the stunning conflicts of interests in the New Jersey pension system, why […]
Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi joins us in studio and explains how a former Enron commodity trader who wants to destroy pension plans across the country, why Rhode Island is at the forefront of pension “reform” policies, why pension “reforms” passing public funds into the hands of Hedge Funds, why Wall Street and crony capitalism caused […]