Milton Friedman

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with author Cory Doctorow to discuss his recent book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation. Then, they speak with Raga Makawi, editor at African Arguments, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Sudan. First, Emma runs through updates on Israel’s now two-month siege on Gaza, the continued […]
Sam and Emma host David Gelles, climate reporter for the New York Times, to discuss his recent book The Man Who Broke Capitalism: How Jack Welch Gutted the Heartland and Crushed the Soul of Corporate America-and How to Undo His Legacy. First, Sam and Emma dive into the role of the Dobbs decision in getting out the vote […]
Sam and Emma host Lily Geismer, professor of history at Claremont McKenna College, to discuss her recent book Left Behind: The Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality. on the shift from New Deal democratic ideology, to the neoliberal tactic of entrusting social development in private enterprise in a pivot to the white suburbanite. Professor Geismer first discusses the […]
Sam and Emma host writer and filmmaker Rupert Russell to discuss his recent book Price Wars: How the Commodities Markets Made Our Chaotic World, on how the profits in Wall Street come from placing bets on the products most central to our society’s functioning. First, Rupert situates his studies over the past decade, originating with his work on the […]
Emma hosts Ted H. Miller, associate teaching professor at Northeastern University, to discuss his recent book A Conspiratorial Life: Robert Welch, the John Birch Society, and the Revolution of American Conservatism, on the anti-communist paranoia that helped found the educational and political beliefs that define modern conservatism. Professor Miller begins with the birth of Robert Welch, eventual founder […]
Sam hosts James W. Russell, public policy affiliate scholar at Portland State University, to discuss his recent book The Labor Guide to Retirement Plans: For Union Organizers and Employees, on the importance of fighting for good end-of-life security and how employers and banks have capitalized off of the switch from pensions to 401ks. Russell and Sam begin by […]
Georgia State University Law Professor Timothy K. Kuhner author of  Capitalism v. Democracy: Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution explains the history of campaign funding scandals, economic power and political exclusion, the choice between Milton Friedman and John Rawls in Buckley Valeo, why the right wing majority on the Supreme Court treats Thomas Paine the same […]