right wing

Fun Half Link: https://youtu.be/6vpbbQ6EQ8I It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Alex Pareene, Contributing Editor at the New Republic and proprietor of the AP newsletter on Substack, to round up the week in news. Then Sam and Emma are joined by comedian Lizz Winstead, co-host of the Feminist Buzzkills Live! podcast. First, Emma and Sam touch on Sam’s conversation with Destiny before diving into […]
Sam and Emma host Adolph Reed, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, to discuss his recent book The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives, on the lasting legacy of the racial order that defined the post-reconstruction era, and its intrinsic ties to labor and exploiting the Black workforce. Professor Reed first situates when the […]
Emma hosts Ted H. Miller, associate teaching professor at Northeastern University, to discuss his recent book A Conspiratorial Life: Robert Welch, the John Birch Society, and the Revolution of American Conservatism, on the anti-communist paranoia that helped found the educational and political beliefs that define modern conservatism. Professor Miller begins with the birth of Robert Welch, eventual founder […]
Emma hosts Edo Konrad, Editor-in-Chief of +972 Magazine, to discuss the rise and success of the Irsraeli right and last week’s election results. Edo begins by explaining the political failure of centrist left candidate Benny Gantz and his decision to join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right wing coalition in last year’s election. Then, Edo dives […]
Sam explains how his philosophy on primary challenges has developed. Nancy Pelosi’s primary opponent Shahid Buttar joined Sam to discuss his effort to unseat her from the left. Check out Shahid here: https://shahidforchange.us/ Then, Michael Rothfeld joins us to discuss his new book, “The Fixers” on the bottom-feeders who helped Trump take the presidency. What the […]
Edward Miller, an assistant teaching professor in the Global Pathways and American Classroom programs at Northeastern University and author of Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy, explains the surprising history of the modern Southern Strategy. Why JFK coined the term “nut country.” Race, class, and conservative politics. Texas politics, segregation, and […]
Cliff Schecter: explained the ongoing implosion of the Republican Party, the House GOP strategy for more spending cuts, why Ted Cruz praising Jesse Helms should be treated the sam way Trent Lott praising Strom Thurmond, how the Bill De Blasio wins means a resurgence of an economically progressive left, why we are leaving the age […]
Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC on the NRA, ATF and brouhaha over Fast & Furious, the divisive 5:4 decisions of Robert’s court and the question: why don’t