
The New Republic’s Noam Scheiber explains the structural inequities in the legal system, how Enron fraudster Jeffrey Skilling ended up with such a light sentence, how the legal system is stacked against the poor, the history of legal aid, the limits of legal aid, the role of the  Great Society and public law, what is […]
Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi joins us in studio and explains how a former Enron commodity trader who wants to destroy pension plans across the country, why Rhode Island is at the forefront of pension “reform” policies, why pension “reforms” passing public funds into the hands of Hedge Funds, why Wall Street and crony capitalism caused […]
Professor Robert McChesney, why a majority of the American people are progressive, the tension between democracy and capitalism, how to judge the success of the Internet, why the Internet is a great force for monopoly, why Google and Facebook are killing journalism, Net Neutrality and mobile platforms and the grassroots movements against corporate personhood and […]