
Happy Monday! Sam and Emma speak with Malaika Jabali, senior news and politics editor at Essence Magazine, to discuss her recent book It’s Not You, It’s Capitalism: Why It’s Time to Break Up and How to Move On. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Israel’s siege of Shifa Hospital in Gaza, the continuing international backlash against Israel’s […]
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Sara Marcus, assistant professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, about her recent book Political Disappointment: A Cultural History from Reconstruction to the AIDS Crisis. Then, Emma is joined by Zoya Teirstein, climate change and health reporter at Grist, to discuss her recent reporting on […]
Sam and Emma host Jane McAlevey, Senior Policy Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley’s Labor Center, to discuss her recent book Rules to Win By: Power and Participation in Union Negotiations. They begin by running through updates on the WGA strike, an impending airline strike, the fascist attacks on Zooey Zephyr, fascist attacks on healthcare in Oklahoma and Florida, […]
It’s Hump Day! Sam hosts Patrick Rucker, finance reporter for The Capitol Forum and contributor at ProPublica, to discuss his recent piece entitled “How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them”. Then, he’s joined by percussionist Andy Blanco with the Musician’s Union Local 802, to discuss their recent organizing efforts against Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY). First, Sam runs through updates on […]
Emma hosts State Senator Chloe Maxmin of Maine’s 13th District and political activist Canyon Woodward to discuss their recent book Dirt Road Revival: How to Rebuild Rural Politics and Why Our Future Depends On It. Then, Emma is joined by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history and Italian studies at New York University, to discuss the recent Italian election results and what they […]
Sam and Emma host Jonah Furman of Labor Notes and author of the Who Gets The Bird? newsletter on SubStack to discuss the recent negotiations between rail workers, railroad companies, and the Biden administration. Then they are joined by investigative reporter Seth Harp to discuss his recent reporting surrounding the recent deaths and opioid abuse at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Emma and Sam […]
Sam and Emma host Jane McAlevey, Senior Policy Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley’s Labor Center, to discuss her recent video for The Nation “You Voted To Form A Union. Now What?” Then they are joined by T.J. Kitchen, Organizing Director for the Teamsters Joint Council #43, to discuss the recent organizing efforts at a Chipotle franchise in Lansing, Michigan. Sam […]
Emma hosts Alex Sammon, staff writer at the American Prospect, to discuss his recent article “The RNC’s Ground Game of Inches.” Then, Emma is joined by Joe Eskenazi, editor and columnist at Mission Local, to discuss San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s recall last night. First, Emma covers the continued kabuki theater around gun control as Schumer now shifts […]
Emma hosts Joe Margulies, Professor of Law and Government at Cornell University, to discuss his recent book Thanks For Everything (Now Get Out): Can We Restore Neighborhoods Without Destroying Them? on the never-ending process that is neoliberal gentrification, why it’s so hard to stop, and what we can do to return the power to the neighborhoods we are […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Alex Pareene, contributing editor at the New Republic and proprietor of the AP newsletter on Substack to round up the week in news. They kick off the show with updates on the Kellogg’s unionization effort, Omicron, and Tucker Carlson’s prostate (not a metaphor for his mouth). Then, Alex joins as they […]