gig economy

It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Katie J. Wells, postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University, to discuss her recent book Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City. Then, she speaks with Alex Sammon, politics writer at Slate, about the new speakership of Rep. Mike Johnson and his recent piece in Harper’s […]
Emma returns for an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Rebecca Galemba, associate professor in international studies at the University of Denver, to discuss her recent book Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City. Then, she’s joined by artist and activist Murray Cox to discuss his work on the project […]
Sam hosts Alex Sammon, a staff writer at the American Prospect, to discuss California’s Prop 22 and how tech companies are working overtime to set labor laws back decades for non-white working-class people. We’re live at noon ET. Check out the Brand New Majority Report Merch Shop (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed […]
Michael Brooks hosts Professor Daniel Bessner (@dbessner) to discuss what’s happening in Minnesota as protestors square off with authorities in the wake of George Floyd’s killing. Also: the growing gig economy in academia. On today’s show: Side by side comparison of George Floyd protests & Michigan stay-at-home protest. Woman throws tear gas canister back at the […]
Today, Alex Rosenblat, researcher for Data & Society, joins us to discuss her new book “Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work.” How Uber’s incentive structure inserts itself into drivers’ lives despite the initial promise of super-flexible hours. How conscious are drivers of the false-promise of “ride-sharing” as far as democratizing the economy. […]