
It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Katie J. Wells, postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University, to discuss her recent book Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City. Then, she speaks with Alex Sammon, politics writer at Slate, about the new speakership of Rep. Mike Johnson and his recent piece in Harper’s […]
Sam and Emma tackle a huge last week in news, as well as what’s coming down the pike in Congress, the courts, and more. They also speak with Bhairavi Desai, Executive Director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA), to discuss NYTWA’s new debt forgiveness campaign for Medallion cab drivers. Bhairavi, Sam, and Emma dive […]
Sam hosts Alex Sammon, a staff writer at the American Prospect, to discuss California’s Prop 22 and how tech companies are working overtime to set labor laws back decades for non-white working-class people. We’re live at noon ET. Check out the Brand New Majority Report Merch Shop https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed […]
Today, Alex Rosenblat, researcher for Data & Society, joins us to discuss her new book “Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work.” How Uber’s incentive structure inserts itself into drivers’ lives despite the initial promise of super-flexible hours. How conscious are drivers of the false-promise of “ride-sharing” as far as democratizing the economy. […]
Steven A. Cook (@StevenACook) on his book “False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East.” Why celebrations of Turkish democracy turned out to be premature. Why the enthusiasm for Libya was equally misplaced. Then, Avi Asher-Schapiro on his Intercept piece, “As Uber Probes Sexual Harassment At Its Offices, It Overlooks Hundreds Of […]
Becky Bond the Vice President and Political Director of CREDO Action explains the unique mission and purpose of CREDO. How CREDO Mobile works and where it gives its money. CREDO’s success in fighting the Keystone Pipeline. The state of the fight against NSA surveillance of innocent Americans. Also the push for more debates in the Democratic […]
M&M Look at  what caused the Sydney Siege? Religion or mental illness? The amazing Australian #illridewithyou movement, Uber’s horrible response to the Sydney Siege. Also Dick Cheney lies on torture and why we needed a truth and reconciliation commission on torture and the rights bizarre new attacks on Net Neutrality. Fox News distorts anti Police […]
Political maestro Cliff Schecter explains the vital work of the Ohio Innocence Project, the proving of the innocence of Ricky Jackson who spent thirty nine years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. How Cleveland Police based their work on a made up story of a twelve year old, debunking death penalty myths, helping […]