
Sam is joined by Peter Jan Honisberg, professor of law at the University of San Francisco School of Law, to discuss his new book, A Place Outside the Law: Forgotten Voices from Guantánamo.  On today’s show: Friday: Mike Pompeo continues to shift story about “imminent threat” intel. Sam is joined by Peter Jan Honisberg, professor of […]
Good Thursday morning, today’s show features a recent interview Sam recorded with journalist Stephen Kinzer about his new book, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control. Kinzer and Sam begin their interview with a brief history of Allen Dulles and Sydney Gottlieb’s obsession with mind control, which each man thought was essential […]
Rebecca Gordon, author of American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes, explains the origins of the Nuremberg tribunals. The political and practical implications of Nuremberg. The United States and the ICC. The ICC and political stability. What are war crimes? Are American Drone strikes war crimes? The Bush Administration’s use […]
Former GTMO Guard and whistleblower, Joseph Hickman, author of the new book, Murder At Camp Delta, explains the policies of torture and systemic coverup at GITMO. How the CIA uses GITMO and why there is no political will to uncover human rights abuses at the facility. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming […]
M&M Look at  what caused the Sydney Siege? Religion or mental illness? The amazing Australian #illridewithyou movement, Uber’s horrible response to the Sydney Siege. Also Dick Cheney lies on torture and why we needed a truth and reconciliation commission on torture and the rights bizarre new attacks on Net Neutrality. Fox News distorts anti Police […]
Nation contributing writer and author of  the new ebook When Hollywood Turned Left: The Election Campaign That Changed Politics in Films Forever, Greg Mitchell explains the historic importance of Upton Sinclair’s leftist candidacy for Governor in California, Hollywood’s reactionary past, how Hollywood began to turn left, how the Sinclair race pushed FDR to the left, the […]
New York Times National Security Correspondent and author of the The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth Mark Mazzetti explains how the roots of the CIA Senate spying scandal began with the 2005 CIA destruction of torture tapes, Dianne Feinstein’s accusations against the CIA, the […]
Bradley Manning is sentenced to thirty five years in prison, why Manning has already faced torture and cruel and unusual punishment, why the Manning trial was about intimidation, how the Obama Administration protects torturers and ruthlessly prosecuted Manning. Even the NSA does not even know how many documents Edward Snowden has in his possession, why […]
The attacks on the Boston Marathon, the importance of how we define the attack, can we use this attack to develop empathy for victims of violence in Iraq and elsewhere? Fox contributor calls for all Muslims to be killed, ridiculous conspiracy theories from Alex Jones and how our Civil Liberties are threatened. On The Better […]
David Dayen, explained how extreme anti tax policies destroyed California’s finances, how California progressives changed the shape of the electorate and what’s next in California’s budget battles. The Justice Department’s case against S&P, why credit ratings agencies are driven by conflict of interest and good signs from Elizabeth Warren. On The Better Half: new revelations […]