
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Jamelle Bouie, opinion columnist at the New York Times and co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast, to round up the week in news. Then, they’re joined by comedian Tim Heidecker, who has a real bone to pick with Sam! First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the blocking of multiple abortion […]
Sam and Emma host Moustafa Bayoumi, columnist at the Guardian, to discuss his recent piece in The Nation, “Journey to Guantánamo: A Week in America’s Notorious Penal Colony”. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by writer Jacob Silverman to discuss his recent piece in the New Republic “The CEO Trying to Build a White, Christian, Secessionist Tech Industry”. Then, Larry Sharpe, the Libertarian […]
Sam and Emma (freshly back from vacation!) break down a huge weekend in news, from the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the courts to labor and COVID, and more! Sam and Emma begin by reflecting on the myriad examples of incredible anti-war activism in the face of repression that we’ve seen by the Russian people, from newscasters […]
Sam and Emma break down news from the weekend, from developments on COVID to the courts, the Jan 6th commission to labor, and more! They begin by reflecting on the 20th anniversary of the first prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, before discussing the absurd discourse around in-person education that presumes kids are learning anything in the chaos […]
Sam and Emma host Carl Lindskoog, assistant professor of history at Raritan Valley Community College, to discuss his recent book Detain and Punish: Haitian Refugees and the World’s Largest Immigration Detention System, to discuss his recent book Detain and Punish: Haitian Refugees and the World’s Largest Immigration Detention System, on how the US’s treatment of Haitian refugees worked […]
Sam is joined by Peter Jan Honisberg, professor of law at the University of San Francisco School of Law, to discuss his new book, A Place Outside the Law: Forgotten Voices from Guantánamo.  On today’s show: Friday: Mike Pompeo continues to shift story about “imminent threat” intel. Sam is joined by Peter Jan Honisberg, professor of […]
Independent journalist John Knefel, explained the hunger strikes at Gunatanmo Bay, the different status types of prisoners held at Gitmo, why eighty six Guantanamo Bay inmates have been cleared of all charges are still being held, the Obama Administration’s shameful record on Gitmo and the political implications of the prison. On The Better Half: Sam […]
Independent journalist John Knefel freshly returned from Guantanamo Bay, where he covered the opening stages of the trials of several defendants including alleged 911 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Knefel described the disturbing legal precedent
Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) from Libertas LLC.  Up today, shocking liberal support for Guantanamo, the contraception mandate and gun