Mental Health

Happy Monday! Sam and Emma speak with Micha Frazer-Carroll, columnist at The Independent, to discuss her recent book Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health. First, Sam and Emma touch on Trump attorney John Lauro, who made the rounds on the Sunday shows yesterday, and specifically the strategy that he and Trump are attempting to cast doubt on […]
Emma hosts Dr. Nicholas Kardaras to discuss his recent book Digital Madness: How Social Media Is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis-and How to Restore Our Sanity. Then, Emma is joined by Eugene Puryear, co-host of the Breakthrough News show, to discuss the recent civil and social unrest in Haiti. Emma first runs through updates on FED policies bringing a big win for […]
Sam is coming to us LIVE from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada! Sam is coming to us LIVE from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada! He and Emma quickly run through updates on the $1 Billion in damages for Sandy Hook parents suing Alex Jones and his recent appearance on Crowder detailing […]
Emma hosts Indi Dutta-Gupta, President and Executive Director of The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) to discuss recent polling showing that 2/3rds of parents who stopped receiving the Child Tax Credit in late 2021 reported difficulties obtaining enough food for their children. Then, Emma is joined by Danielle Carr, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Society and Genetics at UCLA, to […]
Emma hosts journalist Sam Quinones, to discuss his recent book The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth, taking on the wave of synthetic drugs moving across North America over the last decade and a half, how they seeped through, and why they are so dangerous. They begin by […]
Good Thursday morning, today’s show features a recent interview Sam recorded with journalist Stephen Kinzer about his new book, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control. Kinzer and Sam begin their interview with a brief history of Allen Dulles and Sydney Gottlieb’s obsession with mind control, which each man thought was essential […]
Good news the Obama Administration takes a turn away from over testing children and why we still aren’t addressing the underlying crisis of economic injustice in education. Robert F. Kennedy, JR., explains the goal of Patrick Kennedy’s new book. Why the Right Wing media attacks his family for business and ideology. Ted Kennedy and living […]