
It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Joshua Kaplan, reporter at ProPublica, to discuss recent reporting surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas’s finances. Then, they speak with Roge Karma, staff writer at The Atlantic, to discuss his recent piece entitled “The Secretive Industry Devouring the U.S. Economy.” First, Sam and Emma run through updates on DT getting […]
Happy Monday! Sam and Emma host Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the University of California, Berkeley Law School, to discuss his recent book Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the multiple mass killings in Texas this weekend, debt limit talks, Title 42, Trump’s civil rape case, Biden’s floundering polling […]
Sam and Emma host Graham Rayman, criminal justice reporter for The New York Daily News, and Reuven Blau, senior reporter for The City to discuss their recent book Rikers: An Oral History. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on this weekend’s mass shooting at Monterey Park, a former New York FBI agent engaging in money laundering with Russian connections, Biden’s new […]
The MR Crew are back from the long weekend! Sam and Emma host David Enrich, business investigations editor at the New York Times, to discuss his recent book Servants of the Damned: Giant Law Firms, Donald Trump, and the Corruption of Justice. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the GOP and the debt ceiling, the death […]
It’s Day 2 of Sam reporting from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada! He and Emma begin by running through updates on the 2022 midterm debate season, footage from Pelosi and Schumer on January 6th, before Sam meets with Ring of Fire Radio host Farron Cousins as they walk through the ten big senate […]
Sam is coming to us LIVE from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada! Sam is coming to us LIVE from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada! He and Emma quickly run through updates on the $1 Billion in damages for Sandy Hook parents suing Alex Jones and his recent appearance on Crowder detailing […]
Sam hosts Alex Pareene (@pareene), staff writer at the New Republic and host of The Politics of Everything podcast, to discuss the stories of the week and depravity of Big Law. Film Guy Matthew (@langdonboom) also stops by to discuss the newly released film on which he worked, “Black Bear” starring Aubrey Plaza. On today’s show: On Senate […]
Chuck Schumer finally moves towards a filibuster on Neil Gorsuch. The importance of the FBI investigation into Trump. Did Trump deal with the Russian Mafia. Zephyr Teachout, an Associate Professor of Law at Fordham University and a political activist explains Neil Gorsuch’s radical and extremist understanding of economic and political power. Is Gorsuch going to […]