economic inequality

Happy Monday! Sam is BACK from vacation. He and Emma speak with Richard Kahlenberg, education & housing policy consultant and non-resident fellow at Georgetown University, to discuss his recent book Excluded: How Snob Zoning, NIMBYism and Class Bias Build the Walls We Don’t See. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Trump’s various legal woes, this weekend’s […]
It’s Hump Day! Emma hosts Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, associate professor of sociology at University College London (UCL), to discuss his recent book Speculative Communities: Living with Uncertainty in a Financialized World. Then, Emma is joined by economist Nathan Tankus, proprietor of the Notes on the Crises newsletter, to discuss recent developments at the Federal Reserve and Silicon Valley Bank. First, Emma runs […]
Emma hosts Indi Dutta-Gupta, President and Executive Director of The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) to discuss recent polling showing that 2/3rds of parents who stopped receiving the Child Tax Credit in late 2021 reported difficulties obtaining enough food for their children. Then, Emma is joined by Danielle Carr, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Society and Genetics at UCLA, to […]
Sam and Emma host Kathryn Judge, Professor at Columbia Law School, to discuss her recent book Direct: The Rise of the Middleman Economy and the Power of Going to the Source. Emma and Sam first tackle Trader Joe’s union-busting, GOP-backed AIPAC money dumps, Russia’s bombing of Odessa, and discuss Ted Cruz’s and Matt Gaetz’s Turning Point appearances. Then, […]
Emma hosts philosopher and historian Matthew Stewart to discuss his recent book The 9.9 Percent: The New Aristocracy That Is Entrenching Inequality And Warping Our Culture, on the class of people that cement the divide between the top .1%, and the bottom 90%. They begin by addressing what this segment is, exploring the people that neither make up corporate executive […]
Sam and Emma host David Dayen, Executive Editor at The American Prospect, to discuss his recent project “The Great Escape”, about the mass quitting trend in the labor market, as well as his new piece “Lina Khan Cashes in Her Chips.” They begin by confronting the numbers of the recent wave of resignations, including 4.4 million in the […]
Emma hosts Jim Freeman, director of the Social Movement Support Lab, to discuss his new book, Rich Thanks to Racism: How the Ultra-Wealthy Profit From Racial Injustice, to discuss the hidden strategies behind systemic racism in America. Freeman walks through his concept of strategic racism and how the U.S. Government refuses to properly address policies […]
Sam and Emma host Spencer Headworth, professor of Sociology at Purdue University to discuss his recent book, Policing Welfare: Punitive Adversarialism in Public Assistance, on how welfare law enforcement has crippled public assistance programs. Professor Headworth begins by walking through what the U.S. sees as welfare, focusing on public assistance like TANF and SNAP, rather than […]
Sam and Emma host ProPublica journalist Alec MacGillis and author of “Fulfillment:Winning and Losing in One-Click America” to discuss how Jeff Bezos has used America’s infrastructure to make Amazon the most dominant monopoly in the US. Alec explains how Amazon has been a driving force of regional inequality and has stunted prosperity and business activity […]
Sam hosts author, radio host, and Spy Magazine founder Kurt Andersen to discuss his latest book Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America: A Recent History and how the last 50 years have turned the clock back on economic equality and progress in America. Andersen and Sam begin their conversation discussing the power of nostalgia and how it took […]