
Emma hosts Sara Matthiesen, Professor of History at George Washington University, to discuss her recent book Reproduction Reconceived: Family Making and the Limits of Choice After Roe V. Wade, and how reproductive rights and the concept of choice have been manipulated and under attack in the age of Roe. Professor Matthiesen and Emma begin by exploring the […]
Emma hosts Kyla Schuller, Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, to discuss her recent book The Trouble With White Women: A Counterhistory of Feminism, on how mainstream feminism has been a project of theft disguised as liberation. Professor Schuller and Emma situate white feminism as one that isolates a specific element of misogyny while […]
Sam and Emma host economist Michael Albert to discuss his recent book No Bosses: A New Economy For A Better World, on his theory of a third option of an allocation system, beyond free-markets and central planning, based around values of self-management, solidarity, diversity, equity, and a deconstruction of the division of labor. They begin by walking through […]
Emma hosts Dr. Nikki Usher, professor of journalism in the College of Media at the University of Illinois, to discuss her recent book, News for the Rich, White, and Blue: How Place and Power Distort American Journalism, on the troubles of both the supply and demand sides of mainstream US media. Dr. Usher and Emma use the recent […]
Sam and Emma host Spencer Headworth, professor of Sociology at Purdue University to discuss his recent book, Policing Welfare: Punitive Adversarialism in Public Assistance, on how welfare law enforcement has crippled public assistance programs. Professor Headworth begins by walking through what the U.S. sees as welfare, focusing on public assistance like TANF and SNAP, rather than […]
Sam and Emma host David Roediger, American Studies professor at the University of Kansas, to discuss his latest book, The Sinking Middle Class: A Political History, on the relatively recent phenomena of centering the middle class in political rhetoric and how both parties use it as a cudgel to beat back progressive policy. They walk […]
Sam and Emma host Elizabeth Catte, author of Pure America: Eugenics and the Making of Modern Virginia to discuss how Virginia’s embrace of eugenics allowed the state government to control its poor white population, land rights, and why we’ve memory-holed our eugenics past. And in the Fun Half: Anthony Fauci’s disingenuous “agnostic” remarks about vaccine intellectual property, […]