
Emma hosts Dr. Steven Thrasher, assistant professor of journalism at Northwestern University, to discuss his recent book The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality And Disease Collide. Then, Emma is joined by filmmaker Dominique Remy to discuss her work on an upcoming documentary regarding maternal mortality, and the sobering data surrounding the issue that just came out from a study by the CDC. First, […]
Emma hosts Matt Huber, professor of Geography at Syracuse University, to discuss his recent book Climate Change As Class War: Building Socialism On A Warming Planet. Fun Half Link: First, Emma walks through updates on Boris Johnson’s official resignation, the police’s response to their role in the Highland Park shooter acquiring his gun, Biden’s […]
Sam and Emma host economist Michael Albert to discuss his recent book No Bosses: A New Economy For A Better World, on his theory of a third option of an allocation system, beyond free-markets and central planning, based around values of self-management, solidarity, diversity, equity, and a deconstruction of the division of labor. They begin by walking through […]
Sam and Emma host David Roediger, American Studies professor at the University of Kansas, to discuss his latest book, The Sinking Middle Class: A Political History, on the relatively recent phenomena of centering the middle class in political rhetoric and how both parties use it as a cudgel to beat back progressive policy. They walk […]
Sam and Emma host Michael Mechanic, senior editor at Mother Jones, to discuss his new book, Jackpot: How the Super-Rich Really Live—and How Their Wealth Harms Us All. Sam, Emma, and Mechanic look at the rarified world of billionaires, how the average American subsidies the wealthiest members of our society, and why Biden’s plan to strengthen IRS is […]
Leah Gordon a Assistant Professor of Education at Stanford University and author of the new book  Power to Prejudice: The Rise of Racial Individualism in Midcentury America, explains how racism was explains cultural theories of racism and how these discourses have undermined a structural understanding racism in America. the limitations of viewing racism and prejudice on […]
Princeton Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor highlights the distinctions between Ferguson and Baltimore. The Black political establishment in Baltimore and the class tension inside African American politics. How class is always obscured in American culture. The language of the “culture of poverty” and the lost reality of institutional racism. President Obama and the politics of respectability. How […]