
It’s Hump Day! Emma speaks with Vinnie Perrone, President of Teamsters Local 804, to discuss the recent tentative agreement reached between the Teamsters and UPS. Then, Emma speaks with Rebecca Lewis, senior state politics reporter at City & State New York, to discuss her recent reporting on the introduction on safe injection sites in the state. First, Emma runs through updates […]
Emma hosts journalist Travis Lupick to discuss his recent book Light Up the Night: America’s Overdose Crisis and the Drug Users Fighting for Survival. Then, Emma is joined by Jessica Cisneros, candidate for Congress in Texas’s 28th District, to give an update from the campaign trail!Travis and Emma begin by situating his story in this week’s news regarding the […]
Sam and Emma host Jamie Ducharme, health correspondent at Time, to discuss her recent book Big Vape: The Incendiary Rise of Juul. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Dr. MarkAlain Dery, infectious disease specialist at AccessHealth Louisiana and host of the Noise Filter podcast, to discuss the recent developments with COVID and the Omicron variant. Jamie walks Sam and […]
Emma hosts journalist Sam Quinones, to discuss his recent book The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth, taking on the wave of synthetic drugs moving across North America over the last decade and a half, how they seeped through, and why they are so dangerous. They begin by […]
On today’s show, David T. Courtwright, author of The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Business and presidential professor emeritus in the Department of History at the University of North Florida, joins us. On today’s show: Mike Pence observes men in cages at Southern border. David T. Courtwright, author of The Age of Addiction: How […]
Good news the Obama Administration takes a turn away from over testing children and why we still aren’t addressing the underlying crisis of economic injustice in education. Robert F. Kennedy, JR., explains the goal of Patrick Kennedy’s new book. Why the Right Wing media attacks his family for business and ideology. Ted Kennedy and living […]