healthcare monopoly

Sam and Emma host freelance journalist Alexander Zaitchik to discuss his recent book Owning The Sun: A People’s History of Monopoly Medicine From Aspirin To COVID-19 Vaccines, on the development of patent regimes from an attempt to democratize knowledge to a system of corporate and institutional control. Zaitchik begins by walking Sam and Emma back to the inception of […]
Emma hosts journalist Sam Quinones, to discuss his recent book The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth, taking on the wave of synthetic drugs moving across North America over the last decade and a half, how they seeped through, and why they are so dangerous. They begin by […]
Emma hosts Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, writer of The Incision newsletter on Substack, to discuss his recent book Medicare For All: A Citizen’s Guide, that he co-authored with Dr. Micah Johnson, which explores the story of M4A through three parts: a diagnosis and history of the problem, the policy behind M4A, and the politics around it. Emma and Dr. El-Sayed […]
Sam and Emma host Dr. Michael Osterholm, the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, to discuss the state of COVID-19 as it stands here in the States and around the world. Dr. Osterholm walks through the dual pandemics facing the globe right now – the one […]