healthcare monopoly

It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Moe Tkacik, investigations editor at The American Prospect, to discuss her recent suite of pieces in this month’s issue on the U.S. healthcare system. Then, they’re joined by Nicole Cyrille, member of the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee, to discuss the recent developments in the strike and what to […]
Sam and Emma host freelance journalist Alexander Zaitchik to discuss his recent book Owning The Sun: A People’s History of Monopoly Medicine From Aspirin To COVID-19 Vaccines, on the development of patent regimes from an attempt to democratize knowledge to a system of corporate and institutional control. Zaitchik begins by walking Sam and Emma back to the inception of […]
Emma hosts journalist Sam Quinones, to discuss his recent book The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth, taking on the wave of synthetic drugs moving across North America over the last decade and a half, how they seeped through, and why they are so dangerous. They begin by […]
Emma hosts Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, writer of The Incision newsletter on Substack, to discuss his recent book Medicare For All: A Citizen’s Guide, that he co-authored with Dr. Micah Johnson, which explores the story of M4A through three parts: a diagnosis and history of the problem, the policy behind M4A, and the politics around it. Emma and Dr. El-Sayed […]
Sam and Emma host Dr. Michael Osterholm, the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, to discuss the state of COVID-19 as it stands here in the States and around the world. Dr. Osterholm walks through the dual pandemics facing the globe right now – the one […]