
It’s Casual Friday! Emma hosts Alex Pareene, Contributing Editor at the New Republic and co-host of the Politics of Everything podcast, to round up the week in news. Then, she’s joined by Francesca Fiorentini, host of The Bitchuation Room podcast! Emma starts off with some more harrowing updates from the wildfires in Maui, where residents were advised by police to jump into the […]
It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Moe Tkacik, investigations editor at The American Prospect, to discuss her recent suite of pieces in this month’s issue on the U.S. healthcare system. Then, they’re joined by Nicole Cyrille, member of the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee, to discuss the recent developments in the strike and what to […]
Sam and Emma host Kate Aronoff, climate reporter for the New Republic, to discuss the developments coming out of the COP27 conference in Egypt. Then, they are joined by Jonah Furman of Labor Notes and author of the Who Gets The Bird? newsletter on SubStack to discuss the recent labor updates across the country, including the impending U.S. federal rail strike. First, […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. Then they are joined by David Feldman of The David Feldman Show! Sam and Emma begin by tackling updates on Trump’s special master, the state of the Freight Rail strike, and the horrendous stunts by GOP Governors with migrants, also diving into […]
Sam hosts Digby (@Digby56) and comedian Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) this May Day Friday, and special guest Winsome Pendergrass (@WinsomePenderg4), a tenants’ rights organizer in NYC who is leading today’s rent strike. On today’s show: Joe Biden denies Tara Reade alleged assault: “it never happened.” Digby (@digby56) joins Sam to discuss the latest on Tara Reade’s allegations […]
Jane McAlevey author of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, explains the distinction between organizing and mobilizing. Why organizing is reflective and face to face. Mobilizing after self-discovery. Why the Left needs to get back to back to basics organizing. The American South and organizing factory workers today. Organizing in the suburbs. […]
Author and reporter John Washington explains why there are prison strikes taking place across America. The Free Alabama Movement. Post Civil War America and the American prison system. How brands like McDonalds and Victoria Secret benefit from prison labor. How prisoners are working many hours and receiving no payment. The modern prison human rights movement […]