charter schools

Sam hosts Donald Cohen, founder and executive director of In the Public Interest, to discuss his recent book The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back that he co-wrote with Allen Mikaelian, on how neoliberal policies have cut up the public sphere, dividing its profits between a narrow subset of people, […]
Emma hosts Ursula Hackett, Senior Lecturer in Politics at Royal Holloway University of London, to discuss her recent book America’s Voucher Politics: How Elites Learned to Hide The State. Emma starts the show by touching upon the seemingly endless Chris Christie Redemption Tour that ends with Laura Ingraham grilling him as to whether he’ll fall in line when […]
Sam and Emma host Heath Brown, associate professor of public policy at the City University of New York (CUNY), John Jay College, and the CUNY Graduate Center, to discuss his recent book Homeschooling the Right: How Conservative Education Activism Erodes The State, on the rise of homeschooling policy in the US, how it relates to public education, and […]
Emma hosts Jon N. Hale, Associate Professor of Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois, to discuss his recent book The Choice We Face: How Segregation, Race, and Power Have Shaped America’s Most Controversial Education Reform Movement, on the misrepresentation of the “school choice” debate at the behest of the profit motive. Professor Hale gives […]
Sam interviews Jennifer Berkshire & Jack Schneider of the Have You Heard podcast about their book,  A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education and the Future of School.” Jack begins by giving a brief history on the origins of the anti-public education movement in Bary Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign, as a response, […]
Sam is joined by education writer Robert Pondiscio to discuss his latest book How the Other Half Learns: Equality, Excellence, and the Battle Over School Choice. Matt Binder joins us to host the Fun Half. On today’s show: Sam on the Bernie Sanders/Liz Warren post-debate exchange. Sam is joined by education writer Robert Pondiscio to discuss his […]
On today’s Majority Report, Jack Schneider, a professor of education at College of the Holy Cross, joins us to discuss why test scores alone are not a good indicator of school quality. After growing weary of seeing state data used improperly, he came up with a new metric that takes into account many factors including […]
A shock win for a far right extremist in the Kentucky gubernatorial race. The threat to healthcare in Kentucky. Ohio voters reject a controversial Marijuana legalization proposal. Why Marijuana prohibition destroys lives. A user of Medical Marijuana has the state of Ohio take their newborn baby away from them. Houston rejects equal rights. Charter School […]
American Prospect journalist Rachel M. Cohen, explains the surprising history of the Charter School movement. When teacher Union leadership backed charter experiments. How Charters started receiving anti Union money. Why Chicago is a pivotal city for unionizing charter schools. The policies that support Union organizing in charter schools. And the next steps for brining union […]
Bard College Leon Botstein, explains whether or not we are still educating to create citizens. The rise of the suburbs and social segregation. The erosion of public education and the Charter School movement. Why our conversations are shrinking. The American progressive education tradition and the training of citizens. Media culture and the undermining of civic […]