
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Timothy M. Gill, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to discuss his recent book Encountering US Empire in Socialist Venezuela: The Legacy of Race, Neo-Colonialism, and Democracy Promotion. Then, she is joined by David Adler, Co-General Coordinator of the Progressive International, to discuss what […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma speak with Jacob Silverman, co-author of the book Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of Fraud with Ben McKenzie, and host of The Naked Emperor podcast on the CBC, to discuss FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s recent fraud and conspiracy convictions. And, Jacob has a special announcement! First, Sam […]
It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! She talks to Matthew Dallek, historian and professor of political management at George Washington University, to discuss his recent book Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right. Then, she speaks to independent reporter Moira Lavelle to discuss her recent reporting in Jacobin on the Greek elections. First, Emma runs through updates on the House […]
Sam and Emma host writer Jacob Silverman to discuss his recent piece in the New Republic “The Quiet Political Rise of David Sacks, Silicon Valley’s Prophet of Urban Doom”. Then they are joined by Lauren Ornelas, founder and president of the Food Empowerment Project, to discuss the recent union busting tactics and worker mistreatment that’s been occurring at Amy’s Kitchen. Emma […]
Sam and Emma host Raymond Craib, Professor of History of Cornell University, to discuss his recent book Adventure Capitalism: A History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age. First, Sam and Emma dive into updates on early voting and the GOP’s abandonment of New Hampshire, before diving into Biden finally centering GOP cuts […]
Sam interviews Jennifer Berkshire & Jack Schneider of the Have You Heard podcast about their book,  A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education and the Future of School.” Jack begins by giving a brief history on the origins of the anti-public education movement in Bary Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign, as a response, […]
Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains the importance of the election and takes issue with Jimmy Dore’s arguments. Why the filibuster is going to die. The danger to voting rights. How would Trump govern? Is Ted Cruz about to endorse Trump? Hillary Clinton’s progressive new push on the estate tax. Neil Cavuto gives an absurd defense of […]
Libertarian Billionaire Peter Thiel funds lawsuits against Gawker and threatens the free press and a Bloomberg libertarian columnist writes a dumb column about it. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets booed at the Libertarian Convention for talking with a bit of rationality on carbon emissions. Phone bank for Bernie in California. Austin Peters is a crazy […]
Journalist Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled), of joins us today to discuss how Libertarian Gary Johnson’s candidacy is a scam. Michael in for Sam today. How libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul and Gary Johnson benefit from the projection of civil liberties values by naive supporters. How did libertarians rebrand themselves as not horrible beginning in […]
New Republic Senior Editor Brian Beutler explains the new split inside the conservative legal movement. What is the Federalist Society and what does it do. Why conservative judicial activists are moving even further away from “restraint”. Randy Barnett and the Libertarian faction of the Federalist Society. How a little known legal case called Lochner is […]