
Emma hosts Ursula Hackett, Senior Lecturer in Politics at Royal Holloway University of London, to discuss her recent book America’s Voucher Politics: How Elites Learned to Hide The State. Emma starts the show by touching upon the seemingly endless Chris Christie Redemption Tour that ends with Laura Ingraham grilling him as to whether he’ll fall in line when […]
Sam is en route to Las Vegas for the biannual Tort Law Conference. Michael Brooks hosts today’s Fun Half after an interview Sam recorded with Professor Virginia Eubanks on her book, Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor. Join us as Sam and Eubanks discuss the impacts of data mining, policy algorithms, and […]
NPR reporter and author of the new book the  The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be, Anya Kamenetz, explains the history of America’s obsession with test taking. The conflicting political drives behind the testing movement. The connection between theories of intelligence and eugenics. Why higher test scores don’t […]