
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Joanna Wuest, assistant professor of politics at Mount Holyoke College and author of the book Born This Way: Science, Citizenship, and Inequality in the American LGBTQ+ Movement, to discuss her recent piece in Jacobin entitled “The Best Way to Secure LGBTQ Rights: Unions.” Then, she speaks with […]
It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with Hanno Hauenstein, independent journalist based in Berlin, to discuss his recent writing in Haaretz and The Intercept regarding the German media’s suppression of pro-Palestinian voices. Then, she speaks with Alberto Toscano, professor of communications at Simon Fraser University, about his recent book Late Fascism: Race, Capitalism, and […]
American Prospect journalist Rachel M. Cohen, explains the surprising history of the Charter School movement. When teacher Union leadership backed charter experiments. How Charters started receiving anti Union money. Why Chicago is a pivotal city for unionizing charter schools. The policies that support Union organizing in charter schools. And the next steps for brining union […]
Historian Georgios Giannakopoulos, explains the stunning results of Greece’s referendum on austerity and the historical events that led up to it. Austerity and the politics of blackmail in Greece.  Why does the Troika continue to impose austerity on Greece when it has proven a complete failure. Why the European Core is undermining the European project. […]
Greece’s left wing Syriza Party wins big and vows to reverse austerity and restore democracy. The lunatics meet up at the Iowa Freedom Summit and Sarah Palin gives an “amazing” speech. On the Fun Half: Republican Congressman repeats all of the lies about the Minimum Wage in one small clip. Republican governors pursue regressive taxes […]
Labor attorney and the author of  Only One Thing Can Save Us: Why America Needs a New Kind of Labor Movement Thomas Geoghegan explains what we need to be saved from in the post labor union economy, why the young are in the most danger in the new economy, the bogus arguments for increased job training, […]
Journalist Osha Gray Davidson explained the rapid growth of renewable energy in Germany, the roots of the German sustainability movement,