stephen miller

Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), Judy Gold (@JewdyGold), Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) and Isabel Gillies (@isabelgillies) join us for the final Casual Friday of 2018! On today’s show: GoFundMe wall man says the wall is in our constitution. Benjamin P. Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), of Progressive Army and The North Star, joins us to discuss the latest news from Washington: Mattis […]
Why The Trump Administration is pushing a new white supremacy based anti immigrant package. Journalist Jushua Holland, explains the recent Democratic pivot toward Medicare For All. Is Single Payer healthcare the wrong litmus test? The transition to universal healthcare. The basic challenges of insuring every American. Loss aversion and the best way to achieve  full […]
The disastrous Republican healthcare rollout and Trump is already throwing Ryan under the bus. Christy Ford Chapin, an assistant professor of twentieth-century political history at the University of Maryland and author of” Ensuring America’s Health: The Public Creation of the Corporate Health Care System”, explains why America has a uniquely dysfunctional healthcare system. How did […]
Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) joins the show in studio today. Sorting through the multiple interpretations of the Trump administrations ongoing scandal regarding campaign contact with Russia. How to keep a level head when there is clearly a troubling amount of deep state activity. And on the fun half – KellyAnne Conway’s getting savaged for booking herself […]
On today’s show anthropologist Scott Atran joins us to discuss his work on extremism and what can be done to restore open values. How Atran got his start in anthropology thanks to Margaret Mead. Engaging with power and the critique of power. The social networks of ideological fundamentalist groups like terrorists and Republicans. How “root cause” […]