Michael Flynn

Sam hosts Alex Pareene (@pareene) of the New Republic and Comedian Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) to discuss the week’s biggest stories. Sam also hosts National Nurses United President Jean Ross to discuss the union’s protest in Washington DC and the government’s failure to deliver PPE to frontline workers in the fight against Covid19. On today’s show: […]
On today’s show: Sam teases his debate with Brandon Straka of #WalkAway. Sarah Huckabee Sanders says we’ll build the wall by taking funds from other departments. Fox and Friends guest Michael Goodwin suggests Trump voters crowdfund the wall. Jared Kushner gets behind federal prison reform because his dad is in federal prison. Ex-Republican explains why […]
Good afternoon. On today’s show, Sam sees his skepticism of Brian Ross’s Michael Flynn source validated, the Cernovich “controversy” continues, Bernie points out how bad the GOP tax bill is, Orrin Hatch attacks the un-deserving poor, Joe Manchin is sad he couldn’t work with the Republicans to shred the safety net like Democrats did under […]
Good morning. On today’s show, Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) joins us to talk about Michael Flynn flipping on Trump, Jared Kushner’s involvement in the Russia scandal, and the indefensible Republican tax bill, which is clearly a precursor to cutting social security and other services. On the fun half: Matt Lauer was once quite creepy to Anne Hathaway, Trump […]
We provide live coverage of the Comey hearings. Senator Kamala Harris indicates that evidence may have been destroyed. Senator Cornyn wants to talk Clinton email scandal. Senator Richard Burr does not follow the Republican script on Trump and Russia. Comey says Russia absolutely intended to influence the election. Why James Comey needed to write down […]
Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains why Devin Nunes needs to be thrown off of the Intelligence Committee and a Republican Congressman suggests that Congresspeople work for the President. Jack Kingston, spins for Trump. What game is Devin Nunes playing and is the White House throwing him under the bus? Mike Flynn is in trouble, but […]
Journalist David Dayen, explains how the Trump Administration is moving behind the scenes to dismantle Obamacare. The ways the Trump Administration is already limiting Obamacare and the political strategy behind it. New instructions to the IRS. How Republicans are creating the death spiral for Obamacare. The Republicans hilarious reversal on Medicaid. What is the Democrats […]
Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) joins the show in studio today. Sorting through the multiple interpretations of the Trump administrations ongoing scandal regarding campaign contact with Russia. How to keep a level head when there is clearly a troubling amount of deep state activity. And on the fun half – KellyAnne Conway’s getting savaged for booking herself […]
Journalist Marcy Wheeler, explains why the Intelligence community has become worried about Trump and national security. Mike Flynn’s Russia calls and why he lied. Was Flynn compromised by Russia and how that information became public. Did Trump direct Flynn. How Flynn’s call was intercepted. Obama and the National Security State. Does the scandal end with […]
Why do conservatives exploit small children by turning them into pundits? Al Franken notes that Donald Trump is not being normal. What are sanctuary cities. The new ICE attack by the Trump Administration on immigrant communities. The human costs of Trump’s attack on immigrants. We revisit Paul Ryan’s recent lie about deportation forces. The horrific […]