uk politics

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with writer and historian Rebecca Jane Morgan to discuss their recent book Gender Heretics: Evangelicals, Feminists, and the Alliance against Trans Liberation. Then, she speaks with Jonah Walters, postdoctoral scholar at UCLA’s Institute for Society and Genetics, to discuss a book compilation he co-edited entitled Only The Good […]
Happy Monday! Emma speaks with Rebecca Ruth Gould, Professor of Islamic World & Comparative Literature at the University of Birmingham, to discuss her recent book Erasing Palestine: Free Speech and Palestinian Freedom. Then, she speaks with Jessie Kelly, a member of UAW Local 160 at the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan, and Chair […]
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks to Andrew Seaton, junior research fellow at St. Anne’s College at the University of Oxford, to discuss his recent book Our NHS: A History of Britain’s Best Loved Institution. Then, Emma talks to Camille Rey, a mother of a trans child who left Texas and moved out of state due to […]
Michael Brooks hosts today’s show and speaks with Ronan Burtenshaw (@ronanburtenshaw), editor of Tribune Magazine, about next week’s elections in the United Kingdom. Will Corbyn’s rise in the polls and revelations of Tories offer to sell off the NHS lead to Labour victories? Fred Hampton on the importance of revolutionary education. Fred Hampton: “We’re gonna […]