
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma hosts Sarah Brayne, professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, to discuss her recent book Predict and Surveil: Data, Discretion, and the Future of Policing. Then, Emma is joined by Donna Murch, associate professor of History at Rutgers University and President of the New Brunswick Chapter of Rutgers AAUP-AFT, […]
Emma hosts Oliver Bullough, author of the Coda Story newsletter, to discuss his recent book Butler to the World: How Britain Became The Servant of Tycoons, Tax Dodgers, Kleptocrats, and Criminals. Emma dives into the official tally of 400 police officers present at Uvalde’s Robb Elementary for the shooting, Rand Paul putting a stop to Biden’s anti-choice judicial nomination, and […]
Sam and Emma host Tony Messenger, Metro columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, to discuss his recent book Profit and Punishment: How America Criminalizes The Poor In The Name Of Justice, on how municipalities across the US have instituted a system of debtors’ jail, trapping poor folks into a system of punishment and payment with no way out, […]
Sam and Emma host Daniel Nichanian, creator of What’s On The Ballot, to break down the trends he saw from last Tuesday’s elections, as well as some overlooked races and ballot measures. Moving beyond the top line races last week, such as the governor races in VA and NJ, Daniel walks Emma and Sam through referendums […]
Emma hosts human rights lawyer Katherine Todrys to discuss her recent book Black Snake: Standing Rock, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and Environmental Justice, on how far the fight against DAPL has come even as it’s faded into the background of the media cycles. Todrys first discusses how she first came to human rights, environmental issues, and working with Indigenous […]
Sam and Emma host professor of African American studies Carol Anderson to discuss her latest book The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America on how the right to bear arms has been a means to suppress black Americans. Anderson details how black Americans throughout history have organized to defend themselves against state violence and […]
Michael Brooks hosts Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) of the Athletic and Count the Dings network to discuss the protests underway across America. On today’s show: Cops assault man who is just trying to get home in NYC. Letter from PBA to cops trying to suppress dissent: “it’s good against evil and good always wins.” Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) […]
Sam hosts Scott Roberts, Senior Director of Criminal Justice Campaigns at Color of Change, to discuss the nationwide protests against police brutality. John Barry, author of The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Plague in History also joins the program to discuss how the 1918 Spanish Flu can inform how America handles the second wave of Covid19. […]
Peter Edelman (@peterbedelman), Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law and Public Policy and the faculty director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality at Georgetown University Law Center, joins us to discuss his book, Not a Crime to Be Poor: The Criminalization of Poverty in America. On today’s show: Trump says Bahamas refugees need paperwork for visas because “very […]
On today’s show, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, author of, Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, And Do. Dr. Eberhardt’s take a look at the difference between what we understand in our culture as racism and the implicit biases we pick up within our society.  Through extensive studies including both clinical and social studies, […]