Amazon labor union

It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Luis Feliz Leon, staff writer at Labor Notes, and Alicia Ozier, a warehouse worker at the Amazon delivery station in Pontiac, Michigan, to discuss the recent decision by Pontiac Amazon workers to walk out for hours on Amazon’s “Prime Day”. Then, they’re joined by author and filmmaker Greg Mitchell to discuss the recent Christopher […]
Happy Halloween! Sam and Emma host Daniel Nichanian, editor-in-chief of Bolts Magazine to discuss all of the biggest ballot measures that will be decided in next Tuesday’s midterm elections. Then, they are joined in the studio (!) by Christian Smalls, the President of the Amazon Labor Union (ALU), to discuss the recent developments with the organizing efforts at Amazon. First, Emma and Sam […]
Sam breaks down the biggest headlines of the day. Sam begins by tackling the neck-and-neck midterm polling in Wisconsin and Nevada, Peter Thiel shifting his funding from JD Vance back to Blake Masters, and Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker both giving their opponents a boost in Pennsylvania and Georgia, respectively. He also dives into the United […]
Emma hosts Kim Kelly, labor reporter and columnist at Teen Vogue, to discuss her recent book Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor. Then Emma is joined by Jessica Cisneros, candidate for Congress in Texas’s 28th Congressional District, to give us an update from the campaign trail. Kim Kelly begins by just situating the current state of the labor […]
Sam and Emma host Jeff Hauser, the head of the Revolving Door Project at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Jordan Flowers, co-founder of the Amazon Labor Union and The Congress of Essential Workers. First, Sam and Emma dive into the Ohio primaries, as JD Vance comes out on top to fight Tim Ryan, Nina Turner […]
Emma hosts Alex Press, writer at Jacobin, to discuss her recent pieces on the burgeoning labor movement countrywide and Eric Adams’s homelessness policies. Then Emma is joined by Daniel Bessner, co-host of the American Prestige podcast on SubStack, to discuss his recent brief for the Quincy Institute, “Ending Primacy to End U.S. Wars.” Emma and Alex begin with Eric Adams’ front-facing assault on the homeless, including […]
Emma hosts Luke Savage, staff writer at Jacobin Magazine, to discuss his new book The Dead Center: Reflections On Liberalism And Democracy After the End Of History.  Then, Emma is joined by Rana Abdelhamid, candidate for Congress in New York’s 12th Congressional District, to give us an update from the campaign trail. Luke and Emma begin by looking at […]
Emma hosts Ken Klippenstein, investigative reporter at The Intercept, to discuss his recent piece “LEAKED: NEW AMAZON WORKER CHAT APP WOULD BAN WORDS LIKE “UNION,” “RESTROOMS,” “PAY RAISE,” AND “PLANTATION”.  Ken and Emma begin by summarizing the incredible culmination of the Staten Island Amazon unionization effort, beginning back in April 2020 with a walkout for MINIMAL […]
Sam and Emma host Ryan Grim, DC Bureau Chief at The Intercept, to round up the week in news. Then in the Fun Half, we have a special April Fool’s Day compilation! Ryan and Sam begin by taking on the incredible work done by Amazon organizers in Staten Island and Bessemer Alabama as the unionization votes trickle in, […]
Sam and Emma host Richard Yeselson. strategic campaigner and editorial board member at Dissent Magazine, to discuss his recent essay in Jacobin “The Defeat at Amazon and the Union Fights to Come.” They contextualize what happened in Bessemer within broader Union history, explore how the Democrats’ failure to push for Union Card Check has led […]