American hegemony

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with writer Tim Shorrock to discuss the legacy of Henry Kissinger, who died last night. Then, she speaks with Adam Federman, reporting fellow at Type Investigations, to discuss his recent piece in In These Times entitled “The New Cold War in the Arctic.” First, Emma runs through updates on […]
Happy Monday! Sam and Emma host Daniel Bessner & Derek Davison, co-hosts of the American Prestige podcast, to discuss last week’s NATO summit in Lithuania. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on labor action across the US, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, AIPAC Dems’ attacks on Jayapal, and Ron DeSantis, before watching AOC help pump up a crowd of UPS Teamsters […]
Sam hosts Jeremy Gilbert, Professor of Cultural and Political Theory at the University of East London, and Alex Williams, lecturer in digital media and society at the University of East Anglia, to discuss their recent book Hegemony Now: How Big Tech and Wall Street Won the World (And How We Win it Back). Sam first runs through Ukraine’s […]
Emma hosts Alex Press, writer at Jacobin, to discuss her recent pieces on the burgeoning labor movement countrywide and Eric Adams’s homelessness policies. Then Emma is joined by Daniel Bessner, co-host of the American Prestige podcast on SubStack, to discuss his recent brief for the Quincy Institute, “Ending Primacy to End U.S. Wars.” Emma and Alex begin with Eric Adams’ front-facing assault on the homeless, including […]
Sam and Emma host John M. Schuessler, Associate Professor of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M University, to discuss his book Deceit On The Road To War: Presidents, Politics, and American Democracy, and how the blueprint to manufactured consent for US intervention developed over the last century. Professor Schuessler begins by situating his work coming […]
Emma hosts writer Alex Hochuli, co-host of the Aufhebunga Bunga podcast, to discuss his recent book The End of the End of History: Politics in the Twenty-First Century that he co-authored with George Hoare and Phillip Cunliffe, taking on the establishment and breakdown of complete neoliberal hegemony over the last three decades. Alex and Emma situate our current moment at the end of decades […]
Sam hosts Stephen Wertheim, the Deputy Director of Research at the Quincy Institute, to discuss his new book, Tomorrow the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy and the political and intellectual history behind U.S. global hegemony post-WWII. Wertheim and Sam begin their interview by discussing the Monroe Doctrine’s implications and its role in defining the role […]
Daniel Bessner, Associate Professor of American Foreign Policy at the University of Washington, joins Michael Brooks to discuss his recent piece in The New Republic, “To End Forever War, End the Dollar’s Global Dominance.” Brooks and Bessner begin their conversation with an autopsy of Super Tuesday and an assessment of why the Biden campaign might not be as […]
Happy Wednesday! Sam hosts author Stuart Schrader to discuss his new book Badges Without Borders: How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing. Sam also interviews progressive candidate Andrew Romanoff, who is running in the Democratic primary for Colorado’s Senate seat currently held by Cory Gardner. Become a member at And subscribe to the AM Quickie here. Make the […]
Andrew Bacevich, the President of the Quincy Institute For Responsible Statecraft, joins us to discuss his book, ‘The Age of Illusions: How America Squandered Its Cold War Victory.’ On today’s show: After Soleimani killing, Fox and Friends are cool with the deep state again. Andrew Bacevich, the President of the Quincy Institute For Responsible Statecraft, […]